Chapter 11 Dammit Bella!

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I awake at midnight to the sound of clicking computer keys coming from Bella's room. She is very clever, waiting till I'm asleep to do her researh.

Blinking I start to sit up but pause.

I want to stop her right?

No I really don't.

It would be nice to tell her with a chance of her understadning.

But it would be risking a great deal.

They might find out.

She might not even find out.

Who am I kiddning Bella will find out.

It would be nice to have someone on my side for once.

It might end with her dead or worse turned.

But if she was turned she could live forever with me.

I could always surrendur to the mosnter side and make it easier.

Do I really want to lose my humanity though?

No I don't but I hate keeping secrets from her.

She would finally understand everything.

She would help.

She can know I will allow it.


"Reyna wake up," Bella snaps while jerking my shoulder.

"Bella what do you want its five in the morning?" I mumble and rub my eyes.

"I know what Edward and his family are and what you are part of," Bella states with a winning smile.

"Does it need to be said now I may be a-"

"Vampire," Bella cuts off.

"Exactly now I ne-WHAT!" I shout and sit straight up. I'm shocked I didn't think she would find out so soon.

"Yes I looked in the tribal book I got in the booksotre and reasearched for hours! I finally found out," Bella explains.

"Look Bella you can't say anything about this to anyone got it?"

"Of course I wont why?"

"Because they could find out kill or, turn you, and kill, or use me!'

"Who and why?"

"Okay I guess you know now so screw it! The rulers of the vampire world they keep us in line to make sure no one notices our existence. They have strict rules about humans knowing. They must either be killed or turned its usally the first," I elaborate intently.

"Welll why would they kill or use you you are a vampire too right?' Bella asks.

"Because I am only three fourths for some odd messed up reason I care not to explain. I might be used because my blood is a mixure of vampire and human giving vampires an extra boost of strenght, energy, everything and it makes them go a little crazy. I might be killed because my vampire side is consantly feeding off my human side giving me constant newborn strenth. Newborns are new vampires that are super strong because the vampire side is eating off the last of the human blood by the way. Therefore if they find out we are both royally screwed."

"Oh well I will definitley not say a word. But I might rub it in Edwards face that I know."

"Bella you wouldn't be my sister if you didnt."


"So Bella knows," I casually drop on Rosalie.

"What!?!" Rosalie snaps.

"She is way more clever than you know and your dear brother pretty much set her up. So did Jacob come to think of it," I answer.

"Gosh he has no idea what he is messing with," Rosalie grumbles.

"Who doesn't know what who is messing with?" Emmet asks walking up.

"Edward with my sister Bella. Who I would rather have out of this whole supernatural world," I mutter under my breath.

"Edward is in love and I personally like her," Alice interjects strolling up Jasper close behind.

"She's sweet," Jasper adds.

"She's human and my sister! I want her safe and her knowing automatically puts her in danger. Like constant twenty four seven danger!' I hiss.

"Wait wheres Edward?" Alice questions while looking around.

"Where's Bella?" I ask suddenly extremely aware of the absence of her prescence. Usually I can smell her blood from across the school but it seems to have vanished.

"They're probably together," Rosalie growls.

"I have to find them," I say and grab my backpack.

"No you don't let them talk," Alice snaps and stops me from walking away with her arm.

"No offense but I dont really trust my sister with one of us alone. She will end up doing something she regrets," I argue.

"She knows about vampires. She already has," Rosalie states and suddenly they are all gone leaving me alone in an empty hallway.

"Fucking vampires," I swear and stomp off to class. I know full well if I even try to go after Bella I'll be stopped.

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