Chapter 6 The Cold Ones

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After a long school week it is finally the end of the day on Friday. To add to that it is a super nice day.

Well I have to wear concealer and long sleeves to cover my glow but still.


"Hey you guys wanna go to the beach and surf today at La Push beach?" Jessica inquires to Bella and I as we approach our outdoor lunch table. This piques my interest..beach? Yes please.

"Sure, sound fun," I answer.

"Where are the Cullens?" Bella questions and looks around. My gosh Bella get over it.

"Oh, every time the weather gets nice their parents pull them out for camping and hiking. I tried that on my parents didn't work," Jessica replies with a laugh. I chuckle and elbow Belka to try and get her to join in.

"Oh okay," Bella says glumly.

"Come on Bella don't be a spoilsport besides Jake will be there," I muse with starry eyes.

"Ohhh does Reyna have a crush?" Angela teases.

"Maybe, I mean who wouldn't he's hot," I exclaim not at all ashamed.


School dragged on but soon we are at the beach.


Jessica and Mike are putting on swim suits to go surfing. The weather had gone from good to sorta bad. There is no sun but it is still somewhat nice.

"Hey Bella, Reyna!" a familiar voice shouts. It's Jacob, he's jogging up to join us.

"Jake!" We both run up and I hug him.

"Long time no see," I joke and toss my hair.

"Yeah glad to see you too," Jake laughs. I would pay to see that smile everyday. "Wanna walk along the beach with me?"

"Sure! I'll see you guys later," I call to the others and wave. Angela and Jessica wink at me and giggle. I shake my head and pull Bella along with Jake and I.

"Jake why don't you like the Cullens?" Bella suddenly inquires. Bella do you ever stop thinking about them?

"Why do you ask?" Jake questions looking suspiciously at her.

"Well I saw you guys giving each other dirty looks," Bella says shrugging.

"Well, there is a legend of undead people called the cold ones. They are flawless, immortal, nearly invincible, and they feed of human blood. My ancestors saw a group of them hunting and attacked. Their leader explained they don't hunt humans and eventually we made a treaty with them. They aren't allowed to kill humans, come on our land, or turn others. It's just a silly legend but all the adults of our tribe don't like the Cullens because of it."

"Whoa that's...a cool legend," I muse with faked cluelessness. I already know about the legend thing but I am not aware of the terms of the treaty.

"Oh," Bella utters. I can see the wheels turning in her head already.

"So how's life treating you?" I question Jacob, redirecting the conversation.

"It's good really good. No problems with reservation school and nothing super out of the ordinary," Jacob replies casually.

"Well that's good." I smile and look down the beach at the crashing waves.

"How are you guys in your new school?"

"Oh it's good a lot of people befriended us," I gush.

"It's okay," Bella mutters.

"You're just pessimist," I tease.

"Maybe I am," Bella counters and we all laugh. As we're laughing my throat starts to tingle. The burn comes back stronger and I wince.

"Uh guys I just remembered I have to go," I exclaim with urgency.

"Why?" they both ask.

"Well right now is the perfect time to photograph some awesome wildlife and my blood sugar is running low. Bella call me when you need picked up," I explain and run off to the truck before they can protest.

Maybe it would be better to let my vampire side burn away my human side.

I'm too attached to my human side.

I'll think about it.

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