Chapter 7 Great he's back

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I knew the second I stepped into school Edward, my sister's dream boat, had returned.


They're all back because it's raining again. They don't speak to me which is good because if they did I'd rip them apart.

I know I should give them a chance but honestly they've all killed people. They may be vegan now but no matter what all newborns feed on humans, it's fact. No newborn could resist.


"They're back," Bella whispers to me at lunch.

"Yeah they are joy," I deadpan and roll my eyes.

"Why don't you like them?" Bella asks.

"Because they just rub me the wrong way, remember what Jake said?"

"Yeah but that's just a story." Oh Bella, poor pretty naive Bella, you have so much to learn.

"Still." I shrug and continue eating.


Walking into Biology I know bad things are going to happen. Bella takes her seat next to Edward and I take mine behind them.

"Hi I'm Edward Cullen I'm sorry we didn't get properly introduced before," Edward greets. God what century is this guy from?!

"I'm Bella Swan," Bella says and bites her lip. She has a habit of doing that.

"Okay class whoever can class all twelve plant cells wins the golden onion," the teacher announces. Every one gasps when the golden onion is mentioned. I could care less about an onion.

My lab partner isn't here today so I'm on my own.

Instead of paying full attention to my work I watch Bella and Edward.

"Uh it's anaphase," Bella informs after looking through her microscope.

"Can I see?" Edward asks.

"Sure." Bella slides the microscope over.

"Yeah you're right," Edward agrees.

"Yeah you shouldn't doubt me," Bella retorts. Good one Bells.

"I wasn't doubting I was just double checking," Edward defends then looks at the next one. I barely do my own work, I'm just glaring at them. "Its prophase."

"Let me check," Bella offers. Edward slides the microscope over and she looks over to it.

"I guess you're right," Bella admits. They class a few more and so do I then he asks about the weather. The weather? come on so lame!

"So how are you liking the weather?" Bella bites her lip and tries not to laugh but fails. "What?"

"Your asking about the weather?" Bella gasps.


"Thats like the most cliche awkward question to ask," Bella explains. Edward chuckles a bit getting what she was saying. I just fume and try not to lose my cool.


Bella and Edward won the onion and Edward let Bella keep it. Edward even walked Bella to her locker, clingy much?


"His eyes changed color did you see that?" Bella questions tersely after he leaves.

"Oh yeah they were gold now they're black," I agree and nod, knowing he is listening and wanting to piss him off. I nearly laugh when I see Edward clenching his hands into fists.

"Well that's so weird. Anyway you ready?" Bella asks.

"Yeah let ago home," I agree and we both walk towards th exit.

"Wait I forgot my book in the Biology room I'll meet you out there," I tell her and run to the Biology room. I grab my book and slip it into my bag. I run back outside and down the steps that's when I see it.

Bella she's surrounded by people a car stopped right in front of her. There are skids marks showing that the truck was going to crush Bella if someone hadn't stopped it. I shove my way past people and keel next to Bella.

"Bella are you okay someone call an ambulance!!" I shout. I look up and Edward is right next to her. He's holding the car. He saved her.

"I'm fine Edward stopped the car," Bella insists. I still check her over and hold her face. Her eyes are focused so that's good.

"Still precautions Bella you might have hit your head you may have a concussion!" I squeak, my voice getting panicky.

A painfully long time later an ambulance arrives. Bella, the driver, Edward, and I are loaded on.

Charlie is gonna freak out so bad.

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