Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Lost Silver's P.O.V

Another normal day with the same routine. Most people would be annoyed doing almost the same thing everyday, but I'm content with the way  things are now. Maybe its cause of the fact I don't like change, I cant help it though. The feeling of doing something I'm not used to, eats me alive to no end. I don't know how it started I just know that that's how it is now.

"Lost Silver!!" I heard someone call my name from downstairs. I sighed and reluctantly went downstairs to see everyone there. Everyone but Dark. By everyone I mean Sally, Jeff, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Ben, Laughing Jack- who I think is passed out from all the candy or is sleeping-, and Eyeless Jack.

"W-where's D-dark?" I shyly asked Hoodie. Hoodie just shrugged in response. I know what your thinking 'why are you so shy?' well I don't know how to answer that. I guess I just always been like that when it came to people. The only people I can truly talk to without stuttering much is Sally and Hoodie. Hoodie's not shy he's just quiet and some-what secluded from the rest -except Masky of course.

"That's why were having this meeting child." Slender spoke while I flinched at the sound of his voice. So what if I'm intimidated of Slender, its not my fault that he can just rip me limb to limb - oh wait I don't have those anymore I only have 'replacements' that Slender provided for me. I quietly laughed at my 'joke' which caused Ben's ears to twitch.

"What was that?" Ben questioned, pausing his game as the others remained quiet.

"Yea I heard it too." Jeff's slightly raspy voice said from the corner of the room where he was sitting next to the window.

"What did it sound like?" E.J said his defenses alert lightly grabbing his trusty scalpel

"I don't know it's like a crossover between a kitten and a child's giggle but really, really quiet." Ben described as everyone's head snapped towards my direction causing my cheeks to turn a bright red from all the attention on me.

"Silver." Everyone agreed and nodded while I just sighed.

"H-how d-did y-you k-know it was m-me?" I shyly asked, looking down to avoid the stares of my housemates.

"Well I mean when you talk its so faint, we can barely hear you but at the same time its so adorable!" Sally squealed, clutching Charlie her bear.

"O-oh." Was all I said when Slender cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention, which seemed to work since all the attention was off of me and onto Slender which I was grateful for.

"Now everyone this mee-." Slender was caught off by Sally raising her hand up.

"Yes Sally." Slender asked Sally who was giggling.

" I think L.J is dead." Sally said as her giggles turned into a laughing fit.

"Fret not he probably just passed out from eating the wrong candy but he should be ok." Slender said as he looked at L.J's passed out form.

"Ok." Sally said once her laughing fit died down and plastered a serious face. I smiled at Sally, she looks so happy and carefree. She's like my little sister that I never had. And I vowed to myself that I would protect her as well.

"As you may have noticed Dark has been absent quite frequently. This is the part where all of you take place, I need each and every one of you to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything foolish that he will regret later." Slender growled out the last part making a shiver go own my spine.

"Everyone's excused. If you need me I'll be in my office." Slender concluded walking away with Sally following after him.

"Hey Silver we're going to this sick club tonight wanna join." Ben asked me while pictures of people grinding on one another smelling like alcohol and drugs flashed through my mind making me cringe.

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