Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Lost Silver's P.O.V

"W-what?" I whispered shouted moving towards Dark who only breathed deeply and sighed.

"I don't even know how it happened to be honest." Dark whispered "But I'm glad it did cause now I have someone who I can rely on instead and who understands me." Dark said a small smile on his face. It was pretty obvious that he did care about her. The way his eyes would shine with fondness and love.

"H-how d-did y-you f-find o-out?" I said curiosity flooding through me only for Dark to shake his head.

"Not here lets go to the woods. Slender might overhear us then I surely be dead." Dark said as I nodded understanding. Walking towards the door I made sure to lock the door since Slender gets mad when you don't lock it.

"There should be a clearing around here." Dark mumbled to himself as I silently followed him, looking around as I noticed the woods actually look much more breathtaking in the night than in the morning. Ten minutes into the walk I suddenly crashed into a fleshy figure who turned out to be Dark who stopped walking once we reached the clearing he was talking about.

"We're here." Dark said arms spread as he gestured to the spot and took a seat on what appeared to be a log and motioned me to do the same.

"Well uh... you see...umm I was searching for my next victim and I decided on one but instead of going to the persons T.V I saw something I haven't seen so I changed my direction and went into another" Dark said going straight to the point." I guess that's what you could call it and umm... I was walking around cause why not I haven't been here before and I saw this building that's like the ones you would see in a horror movie and that's when I saw her." Dark said stopping for a moment and taking a deep breath in then exhaling before continuing. "I was stunned to say the least she looked exactly like me but with feminine features. I went up to her and I guess she didn't notice me cause when I went to say something she attacked me with her sword and I of course retaliated when I finally managed to pin her down and take her sword away from her.... gosh she even fights like me and has the almost exact same sword." Dark said not even trying to hide his smile from me making me smile too. This is the happiest I've ever seen Dark so it of course made me slightly happy as well.

"Y-you really c-care for her don't you?" I said without stuttering much. Probably cause I feel more comfortable around Dark but not 100% of course.

"Yea I really do." Dark said fondness evident in his voice as he tinted a slight pink from embarrassment since no one has seen this side of him.

"W-why a-are you e-embarrassed?" I questioned softly hoping I didn't sound rude.

"I don't know I guess cause I'm not used to feeling these type of emotions." Dark said his now once slightly pink cheeks now a bright red tone. I chuckled softly but one question kept flooding through my mind. 'How did Dark not know about her sooner?'.

"C-can I a-ask y-you a q-question?" I said quietly a little nervous about how his reaction will be. Its not a bad question or anything I just feel like its a bit too personal.

"Sure go for it." Dark said changing his seating position to one where he had one leg on the log and the other on the ground.

"W-why n-now?" I said covering my face a little in my legs since I was sitting somewhat similar to criss-cross except my legs were pulled up to my chest making it easy to cover my face.

"What do you mean?" Dark said with furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

"L-like w-why d-did y-you j-just n-now f-found o-out a-about h-her?" I explained as Dark frowned and I inwardly panicked. 'Did I say something wrong?, 'Was it too personal?'

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