Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Girl Inside My Memories Part 2

Ross's POV

"Guys, time to eat, dinner!" I hear mom yell up the stairway. I put my book aside, and head downstairs, along with my siblings behind me. Riker hasn't came home from his date yet-- wait I stand correct.

"I'm home!" Riker announces happily. He closes the door once his girlfriend, Amy, has stepped through door as well. Mom walks in to the living room with a smile.

"Hi Amy." They extend their arms, and hug each other for a moment before Riker also receives a hug from mom.

"Hi Stormie, how are you?" Amy asks with a smile only a fool could fall for. Not that I'm calling my own mother a fool, but she pretends to be nice to Amy for Rikers sake.

Mom nods her head. "Good, thank you for asking."

I didn't notice that not every sibling (and friend) was downstairs. Rydel appeared at the bottom of the staircase, her smile dropping into a frown. But in a matter of seconds, a glare war broke down between both of the girls.

"Amy . . ." Rydel said sternly, but angrily. And Amy responded in the same tone of voice.

"Rydel . . ." While this scene is happening, I'm just sitting on the couch with my phone, looking up with my eyes. Curiosity filled my mind; why did Amy and Rydel hate each other so much? It didn't make any sense. They've always hated each other and always will, I guess.

Once we all sat down for dinner, we had to grab an extra chair from down in the basement, since Amy had decided to sit in Rydel's seat--right next to Riker. Ryland brought up the chair and had placed it right across from Amy, and between Rocky and I. In my opinion, I didn't mind my sister sitting next to me, but it was the other way around; I did mind Rydel sitting across from Amy. Throughout the entire spaghetti dinner, Amy kicked Rydel underneath the table, every second she got. Rydel started to kick because because, in total understanding, it was probably annoying her. But once Amy kicked Rydel harder than the rest, Rydel yelled out, "Ow!"

"Girls!" Dad said with a mouth full of spaghetti. I think everybody knew what he said, but it sounded like 'Merle', which caused everyone to laugh. However, Rocky was laughing with mouthfuls of food, causing a noodle to hang down out of his nostril. I laughed as I watched my brother pull the foot long noodle from his nose, and then ate it.

"Oh my gosh, that was gross." Riker laughed.

"That was." Rydel also agreed, in laughter.

But everyone laughter stopped when Amy spoke. She was such a mood killer, especially when it came to Rydel's happiness. I was just happy that Amy had stopped kicking my sister and the death glares had stopped.

I began to worry about Rydel, she didn't even touch her food. But I had just noticed something, she only ever does it when Riker's cranky girlfriend comes over for dinner.

After dinner, Rydel got up from her seat and threw her dinner away, along with the plate. Crash! Shatter! Everyone looked up at Rydel running towards the stairs. I was honestly not happy once I looked at Amy. She had an evil smirk, that smirk of knowing she had won. But her smirk disappeared when Riker looked at her in question.

I decided to stand up as well and chase after her up the stairs. But I didn't get their in time, she already slammed her door, and her white wooden door crashed into my nose.

"Ow!" I wined in a baby voice as I held my nose with both of my hands. "That hurt, Rydel!"

Before I could ask what had happened after she flung her door open, she had grabbed the front of my shirt with a twist and quickly pulled me into her room. She closed the door quietly, then quickly locked it. I sat down on her bed as she slid down the door until her butt touched the floor.

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