Chapter 69

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Chapter 69: Happy Valentines Day Part 2

Audrey's POV

A knock came at the door, so I got up from the couch and answered it.
It was most likely Ross and guess what, I was right.
I am super excited to spend Valentines Day with Ross, that the way I'm talking in my mind sounds unprofessional.
"Hey babe." Ross said kissing my cheek and pulling a bouquet of roses out from behind his back.
Plastic was wrapped around the thorns and a purple ribbon with pink hearts on it, held the plastic in place.
"Awe they're so beautiful! Thanks Ross!" I smiled and smelled them and they smelled beautiful.
"Well they aren't as beautiful as you."
"You're such a sweetheart."
"I know right!"
I giggled and got out one of Moms antique flower vase and filled it with water.
I placed the vase in the middle of the island, took the plastic off and placed them in the vase.
I threw the plastic away and tied the ribbon around the vase to make it look cute.
I walked into the living room and sat next to Ross who had his red Louder bag, like mine, in his lap.
"What did you bring Babe?" I asked.
Ross pulled out, the only movie he loves, Romeo and Juliet.
"Ross. Babe. Honey. We've watched this together one too many times." I said with a chuckle.
"We only watched this once together and R5 was on tour, and you fell asleep 35 minutes into it" Ross laughed.
"Once is enough and 35 minutes is enough."
"We're watching!"
"Okay, I'll make the popcorn."
I stood and up and went to make the popcorn, but Ross grabbed my wris an pulled me back onto the couch next to him.
"I have to show you something, first. Close your eyes and hold out your hands."
I squeezed my eyes shut and cupped my hands out in front of me.
A soft object was placed in my hand and then something light but cold was placed in my lap.
"Okay, open your eyes." Ross said.
I opened my eyes and a red heart shaped box was sitting in my hands. I looked down at my lap and a pink envelope with my name in, ever so beautiful, cursive.
I smiled big, looked at Ross and sat the box down and opened the card first.
I read the front of the card aloud. "A wonderful woman like you is all I need this Valentines Day..."
I opened it and continued to read "... So I'd like to spend this day with you and share my love with you and make you feel special."
Then I read the note Ross wrote on the card. "Audrey I want to spend this day with you like how I want to spend my life with you. Forever. I love you so much and I need want to loose you. Not after what happened before. We have so much that we share and I can't bare to loose it for a third time. You are such a beautiful, outstanding, talented, wonderful, and just an amazing girlfriend and girl, I don't want to loose you. I could go on and on and on how this is true and how much I love you, but all I can say is this.... ill love you forever. And forever it shall be."
A tear slid down my face at such sweet words Ross had written for me. I threw my arms around him and hugged him as tears of joy fled down my face.
"Thank you Ross, I love you too. SO much, and I'll love you forever."
"Forever it shall be." He said happily.
We realeased our hug on eachother and smiled. Ross took my hand and placed the red fuzzy heart shapped box back in the palm of my hand. "I want to love you forever Audrey, and I want to start where we left off on tour."
I wiped my tears away with my free hand that Ross wasnt holding.
He continued. "Audrey will you marry me?"
I looked down at the box with a beautiful ring inside. Around the ring, were beautiful little diamonds, and focal point of the ring was the diamond heart.
I nodded and bursted into tears of joy. "Yes yes yes yes yes!! I will! I will! I do!"
He hugged me tightly and then pushed me lightly off of him and slipped the ring onto my ring finger of my left hand.
I looked at the diamond heart and saw that there was a little word at the bottom of it.
'Forever.' It said.
I leaned in and kissed Ross pasionately on the lips.
The kiss got heated real quick, and I felt Ross place his hands on my hips which sent shivers up my spine.
We pulled away with big smiles. He placed his forehead on mine and stared into my eyes. "I love you."
I smiled and kissed his nose. "I love you too."
I got up and made popcorn and sat in Ross' lap and we watched the movie.

Suprisingly, we both state awake through the whole movie.
"Are you tired?" Ross asked me.
"No." I shook me head. "Are you?"
"No. Not really. What time is it?"
I looked at the cable box. "11:37"
I stood up from his lap and looked at him. "Wana go up to bed?"
He smiled at me and stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Shor, babe."
I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Onward my sexy beast."
Ross chuckled and carried me upstairs and lightly tossed me into my bed and I giggled loudly. "Again!"
"Haha no! One of us will proably get hurt." Ross said sitting next to me.
We layed next to eachother and stared and smiled at eachother, which seemed like forever.
Ross leaned in and kissed me on my lips.
We kept pecking eachother lips but soon Ross poked my top lip with his tongue and our tongues were soon dancing in eachothers mouths.
We kept kissing and kissing, not stopping, just breathing through our noses.
I pulled away real quick. "I love you Ross."
He pushed a lock of hair out of my face. "I love you too."
I crawled over him and we continued to make love.

Authors Note

EXTRA long chapter but totally lovey dovey like I said.

Q&A- Do you think Audrey should of said No instead of Yes?

Thanks Crazies!!✌✌


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