Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: When Your Found In A Ditch

Ross's POV

I facepalmed myself to hear that Elle had announced the pregnancy. My parents looked pissed, Rocky was banging his head lightly on the table, Audrey, well, she looked shocked, Rydel looked excited, and the rest of my siblings and Ratliff were like WTF.

"How long have you known this Ross Shor Lynch and Rocky Mark Lynch" my dad said slamming his fist on the table, making the dishes rattle.

"Why do you suspect that I knew this" I said in defense and nervously.

"Rocky tells you everything, don't play stupid with me?"

Rocky picked his head up from the table. "I've known this for three months"

I looked at Elle's stomach. Wow. You could see a little lump on her tummy.

I grabbed Audrey's hand and gave it a little squeeze. She looked up at me and I gave her a faint smile.

"Ross.." my dad said

I looked over at him from across the table.

"I just found out a couple of days ago, why am I in trouble"

"Because you knew this all this time and didnt bother to tell us an-"

My mom cut him off and we all stared at her. "Mark, stop it.. yes I know sweety that we've had a bad 'tiny' past with the Jones, but this is our future grandchild were talking about. We should support Elyse, not torment her and push her out of our lives."

My dad let out a sigh and turned towards Rocky. "Your right Storm, I'm just concerned why you didn't use protection Rock"

Rocky went to speak, but Elyse got there before he did. "We did Mr. Lynch. There must have been a tiny rip or something. You should hate me though, I'm nothing but trouble."

I got up and so did Audrey. We went over to Elyse chair and we held her hands. Audrey spoke. "We'll be there no matter what. You were my first friend, along with Madi, so now I'm gonna be there like you were there for me"

I kissed her hand, but Audrey wasnt offended.

Rocky got up and went over to her and stood behind her.

"We'll care for Elyse and my baby, even if you don't" Rocky said calmly. I stood up from bending down on my knees and gave him a bro hug.

"I'll love my future niece or nephew with all my heart" Rydel said breaking the silence. Rydel smiled at Rocky and Rocky did the same.

My mom stood up from the table and walked over to Elyse and Elyse stood up. Mom gave her a hug. "We're so sorry honey, consider yourself apart of the Lynch family," She let her go and gave Rocky a stern look. "You better treat her right Rocky"

Rocky walked over to them and gave Elle a hug from behind. "I will" He said kissing her neck and placing his hands on the tiny lump.

Later on after dinner, Audrey and I went into the living room and sat down with Elle and Rocky.

Rocky kept kissing the baby lump and they would cuddle into eachother.

"Elle is this why you were cranky the day you dropped Megan and I off at my house" Audrey asked.

Emily came in the living room and sat next to me. "Yeah the day I punked you, thinking I was an actual fiber and trying to kidnapped you"

I pointed at her and said, " friend,... was not funny"

Emily and I chuckled.

"Yeah, baby hormones were kicking in, I guess. I was on my way home. Rocky was waiting for me there"

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