Chapter 3

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John questioned, finally the blurriness from his vision clearing up. John looked to Harold, and just stared. There were bruise marks everywhere, being shown by the now torn up sweater. Blood streamed from his many open wounds and puddled on the floor around Finch. There were burn marks around his stomach and back and this sight made John grit his teeth in anger.

"Hello Mr. Reese..." Harold said, his voice sounding strained.

"Take him away, go lock him up downstairs while I finish up with this one." The man ordered. John heard men shuffle around and started to mess with the chains he hung by. He fell directly on his head and grunted in pain as he was aggressively forced to is feet. In normal circumstances, Reese could've taken out all five men surrounding them /and/ saved Finch but in the state he was in, John probably couldn't take on even one of these men. But, nonetheless, that didn't stop him from trying. He fought against the two men that held his beaten arms, shouting at the other men hitting on Finch.

"Stop! Stop it! Your beef isn't with him, it's with me! Leave him alone!"

"And that's exactly why I'm going to continue my torture upon this fella here, because I can see how much it pains you to see him like this." The man laughed coldly, his comrades doing the same. Finch wanted to say something to ensure Reese he'd be fine but the words couldn't leave his swollen mouth. Instead, he looked up like an abused puppy, his eyes red and face stained from the tears. John stared at his friend. The mixture of tears and blood blended on his beaten face. His arms dangled in front of his head and his ankles were beginning to get cuts around where the chains held him up. This sent another rage of anger through Reese's body. To see Finch like that-poor, innocent Finch, the man who could barely hold a gun without shaking-made John so furious. He continued to fight against the burly men but it was no use as they dragged him down the stairs.

"I'LL KILL YOU!! ALL OF YOU!" John's angry words echoed from below and the men all stared for a second, as if deciding whether or not to be threatened. Apparently deciding no, the biggest man took out a blade, twisting it around in his hands.

"Stay awake for this part, it's my favorite." He chuckled spine chillingly evil and started digging into Harold's skin; along the arms, stomach, and even cheeks. Harold finally, after what seemed like endless torture, passed out to the sounds of John's furious screams from the basement.


Once again, Harold found himself awakening in an unfamiliar area, but this time his arms were tied behind his back. When he pulled to stand up, the ropes forced him back down. He grunted in pain as his back smashed against the concrete wall. Finch, figuring he couldn't escape, scanned the room he was in. Well, he tried to. It was pitch black and not a single light to show the end of the room. Finch could be in a room, or even possibly a hole, there was no way of knowing for sure.

"H-Hello?" He called out weakly, coughing harshly afterwards. The only response was his own voice echoing back. "Mr. Reese?" He called into the earpiece but only received static. He hung his head down and started to cry, scared. And not even that he might die here all alone, no. He was scared that John would die. That John would be getting more torture inflicted upon him. Perhaps he was even scared that John would decide it was easier to leave and escape by himself. Whatever it was, didn't matter. Finch was stuck here until, if even, someone came to help.



Yayayayayaya new chapter in the same day! :3 I actually had these two chapters written but life got in the way so I forgot to update :p Anyways, I hope this chapter is good and a new one should come out no more then 2 days. I promise :3 Anyways, TILL THE NEXT CHAPTER :>

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