Don't you Dare Leave me

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You were sitting on the chair tied up. The chair you been sitting on for two days now. Nothing new has been added in the room. You still had that small window that has always been behind you. It was still pitch black in the room. You sigh softly, dried blood was covering your arms and legs. Your clothes are ribbed and a dark red.

You listen hard, and hear voices. Some were yelling, and then some were trying to quiet the yelling ones. You couldn't make out all of the words, but only some.


Your heart started beating fast, as sounds of footsteps walk towards you. The door opens and there are three demons, there eyes pitch black. "It looks like we have a change of plans today..." One of them says as another puts a black bag over your face to cover your view. You tried pushing them slightly away, but you couldn't fight back since you weren't strong enough, you losted too much blood.

The two other demons grab your arms roughly and drag you out of the room. Your feet were dragging behind them, trying to slow them down, but it didn't seem to bother them. You were then placed on another chair, your hands and legs were then tied again. It was colder in the room, and it seemed like something was leaking, since there was an annoying dripping noise from behind you.

Someone takes the bag off of your face and your staring right at a demon, he grins evily at you. "The Winchesters will be here soon, and when the run in that door there be right in time to see a knife going right in your stomach..." You spit in his face. "There not stupid..."

He chuckles softly and shakes his head... "Well then I guess we just have to find out shall we?" Your heart starts beating faster and you try to untie the tie that was holding your hands once you were alone in the room, but it was too tight under your skin. "God damn it..." You whisper to yourself.

You look around the room and notice that there was a huge door behind you. There were also broken windows besides you, and the annoying dripping sound was coming from water falling off somewhere behind you. 

'Mom? I-I don't know if you'll be able to hear this but just in case you could....don't fall for the trap. It may seem easy at first but still don't fall for it, its all a set up....' 

It was all worth a try, to try and pray to your mom instead of Cas. Now you had to wait, and hope that it worked...because if it didn't you hope they weren't that stupid....

Dean's POV

I park the impala and get out. I head to the back and open it up, grabbing some holy water and two angel blades. I give one to Sam and he grabs a bottel of holy water. "This seems too easy Dean...Shouldn't there be demons gaurding the place?" Sam says and I nod. "This does seem to might be a set up..."

I say as Cas and Alissa get out of the car. "A set up to what though..." Sam says as he hides his angel blade. I shrug. "I don't know but we should find out now...." I say as I put my bottle of holy water in my back pocket. 

We all hear a pair of wings and turn around to see Gabriel with a lollipop in his mouth. "Your right Sammy, this is a set up...(y/n) is in there, and once we start running in anything could happen to her..."

"So what do we do? Wait? Because they could still do anything to her" Alissa says crossing her arms. "Well me and you could go inside and disable all of the angel traps so that all three of us could use our powers-"

"But won't they notice you?" Sam says, inturupting Gabriel. "There be a 50, 50 chance they would..." I roll my eyes. "So you could put (y/n) in more trouble..." Gabriel nods slightly. 

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