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Last night I had a strange experience. I had been in an unusually deep sleep as I usually sleep very lightly. I awoke suddenly however I was not scared, my dog was on the bed next to me. He never does this he always sleeps under the bed, I got the distinct impression he was protecting me. I heared a strange 'wooshing' noise, this is the only way I can describe it. I hate to use this phrase but it sounded like something was taking off or starting up. My dogs eyes were trained on the door and he was very still. I talked to him calmly, cooing so he relaxed. I felt very sure I was being watched by something. I kept myself calm. Normally, when I get this feeling my heart starts galloping and I stop breathing, all my senses become increasingly sensitive and sometimes I get a ringing in one of my ears. I did not get this feeling this instead I felt the sensation fade away and when it did my dog got off the bed and went to sleep under it. 

I have done some research on Star children and visits from, I can't quite believe I'm saying this, but aliens. It is not rare and people have also experienced the ringing sensation in their ears, the feeling of being watched or hearing a strange machine like noise. 

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