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Today I discovered a video which talked more about Empaths. 

Star children are often naturals and I wanted to run over some key traits and see if I could learn any more.


I thought I'd share the video for anyone else wondering if they may be an Empath. The video is good in the way  it clearly explains how an empath can feel. The only thing I felt it lacked were some protection rituals an empath should do if he/she feels like reading peoples emotions is becoming overwhelming.

  I felt I could relate to a lot of the topics mentioned in the video and don't have a doubt that I have empath qualities, it's something I have jokingly called myself for years.

However, I noticed a lot of people asking questions on the videos and couldnt help answering a few including posting about a useful protection ritual to do if you ever need to escape from everyone elses feelings. 

Maybe I am moving towards helping other people in this area. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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