Chapter 4

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             As I left the retirement home, I began to think. I thought of all the flashbacks, but my mind kept lingering on one. The kidnap. I was in my room when it happened. Usually I begin to feel queasy and a dull ache starts up in my head. I started to feel the warning signs when pain exploded in my head. I crashed to my knees, head in hands, hardly being able to see, the pain was so great. The familiar spinning feeling came over me and the pain started to go away slightly. Spinning, spinning, into another world........

             As I opened my eyes, I was in Ali's bedroom. As ususal I was paralysed so I couldn't move. It was like an invisible force was pressing down on my shoulders. All I could feel was despair. I hated it there and I longed to be back in my world. Ali was sitting on her bed, while her mother was reading in the garden. It was a hot day, so quite a few of the windows were open. A fly buzzed lazily around the room and the first cicada started up it's song for the evening. Ali's door slowly creaked open.........

     "Robert!" She exclaimed and jumped off her bed. Robert was the family gardener and he was a great friend of the Smallman's.

   Robert put a finger to his lips and said, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lets go surprise your mum with this bouquet of flowers." Ali, being 5, did not think it was strange to see Robert on his day off.

"Okay." she said happily. A different invisible force pulled me along with them, which made me even more miserable.

"Oh." Said Robert smacking his forehead. "I forgot something in my car. Lets go there first. You lead the way." Ali walked on ahead and as Robert turned around I saw him smiling, silver tooth glinting. A cold smile, with no warmth.

     As soon as they got to the car, Robert grabbed Ali from behind. "Do not say anything or........" he pulled out a knife. "Something bad will happen." Ali's eyes were wide with terror as he tied her up and finally put a gag around her mouth.

    "I left a nice note for daddy so I will get lot's of money from you." He started the ignition. "I will keep going to work as normal so no one will suspect a thing."

"No one will ever know because no one ever saw." He said nastily. But he was wrong. I was there, and I saw everything.

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