Chapter 9

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         The car jolted to a stop and I peered out the window. We were in a normal street, with normal houses on it. I expected to arrive in a street littered with rubbish and full of boarded up houses. But it wasn't a tip, it was a perfectly normal street a bit like mine actually. That left me more even more chilled.

      Robert began to take out all his tools from the back seat. I had to slip back into the front set to avoid him. It was dusk, and night was falling quickly. Robert kept unpacking until it was completely dark and only then did he carry Ali inside. I slipped in behind them and followed Robert up the stairs, where he deposited Ali in a room. "You be quiet." He snarled, and left the room.

    Ali slid to the floor wimpering, and I ran forward. I somehow knew she would see me, and she did. She looked up at me with her big round eyes and whispered, "You came." I knelt beside her and took her hand once more.

"Of course I did, I wouldn't leave you." I said. She looked at me quizzically and then said. "Are you an angel. Did god answer my prayers." I didn't really know how to respond to this, and I didn't know why I was there, so I just said,

"Have faith and I will be here to help you. I was sent for a reason." As soon as these words left my mouth, I knew they were the right ones. "I will help you escape."  I said, and I saw hope fill her eyes once more. I heard footsteps on the stairs. I hugged Ali and whispered in her ear, "You must do whatever I say if you want to get out, I will dissapear soon and leave for a while, but I will then come back and we will escape from this place." Ali nodded, as I flickered out of veiw.

   Robert thrust open the door and thrust some food at Ali. I slowly slipped out of the door, and Robert suspected nothing, for Ali's feet were still tied.

  The last thing I saw as Robert shut the door, was Ali's shining face, full of hope. I needed all the hope I could get.

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