Chapter 15

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Patrick's POV

This was bad, this was very bad. Why was Pete here? How did he know I was here? Oh God, others must know he is here. Others meaning the gang. They have been watching me like a hawk on all of my drug runs, so of course they saw him. He was in trouble. I was in trouble. More importantly, he was in trouble. I prayed that they wouldn't come after him... Again. He didn't deserve this. I wish he hadn't come here. It was too dangerous here for him.

I mean, sure, it was sweet and kind of him to come and look for me, but he couldn't be here. This wasn't his fight.

I was back in the room, pacing around. The mission had gone off without a hitch, but I was wildly distracted. Pete was still here. He was so stupid!

The door swung open, and I spun around, startled.

K. I glared at him, but he seemed uninterested. He walked in, closing the door behind him.
"Patrick, Patrick, Patrick." K said, coming closer to me. I stepped away, and was sure to not corner myself. "You made some mistakes today," They really didn't waste time, did they? I was tempted to say that it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't.

The first punch was unexpected. I fell backwards, my hands flailing behind me until they felt the wall. K chuckled, and stepped forward.

The second punch I managed to stop. I caught his fist in my hand, holding on tightly. Taking a few deep breaths, I shoved his fist back towards him. K didn't move back, only caught me in the face with his other hand. I stumbled to the side.

"Patrick, Patrick, Patrick." K said again. He shook his head, with a mocking smile on his face. I spat out a bit of blood. Turning to face K again, I wondered if fighting back would even be worth it. "You are one of us, now." K's voice was raspy, and his eyes were red. He was under the influence. "You can't leave."

K swung his foot, knocking me off of my feet. I scrambled to get up, but K pressed his foot to my chest, keeping me down. He pressed harder, and I wheezed, trying to breathe.
"You don't have to worry about your friend, Pete, anymore." K said, letting out a harsh laugh. No.

No, no, no, Pete. He couldn't have done anything to Pete, he is lying.

I struggled to keep my eyes opened, but it was getting harder and harder to breathe as he continually pressed down on my chest. I hit his foot, trying to knock it off, but K was unwavering.

"Now, I am going to give you a gift." What, drugs? I would have retorted with some sassy remark, but I was having more than a bit of trouble breathing. "I am going to let you visit a old friend." K said. He took his foot off of my chest, and kicked my side. I took in big, gasping breaths, and scrambled to get up.

"W-Who?" I asked, once I was up. I let myself lean against the wall for a few seconds, but I didn't want to be off guard. K smiled again. His smile was gross.


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