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We've approached the large doors, and they let us in.

"She needs help! Please help us!"

It hadn't been too long before we had gotten shot by those people that passed us by, us already being on our way to Havana already, we couldn't wait any longer to get there.

One guard closed the gates and raced down the road as the other guided us quickly down through the roads and into a regular white house.

The door opened and a woman directed us to put Dynasty on a examining-table, and we did.

She came running over a rolling table full of essentials and told us to leave the room so she could have space to move around.

I slowly stepped back, and we went into the other room, coming face to face with the people we thought we'd never see again.

"Nash... Taylor..." My mouth slowly gapped open as we tackled each other in hugs, crying as we held onto each other tightly.

A warm feeling built up around us, and I couldn't feel any better than I did now.

"We were looking for so long, but we couldn't find anything and we thought you guys were gone..." I wiped my eyes, and smiled as I stared at them.

I couldn't really process the fact that they were alive when my mind had told me over and over they were gone for good, just to get over them and move on with how sorry I felt for myself and anyone... Shit.

Nash came up to me, and he hugged me tightly, tears filling my eyes as I held onto him.

"I missed you bro." Nash says, and I smile. "I missed you."


We all went to the house they were staying in, and decided to talk about everything that happened in our separate journeys.

"Anyone volunteering to go first?" I asked, breaking the silence, and we all looked at each other.

"I'll go first." Nash said after a moment of stares.


All of it came back in a blur, and I recollected my thoughts, prepping it all in a story.

"After I got separated from Shawn, Bree and Carter due to another group's attack, I found out about this little town that was protected from the daily struggles we went through."

The images of Trens flashes through my head, and my heart skips a beat.

"A little town called Trens." I paused. "I was brought in by one of their guards when he found me tied to a tree about to be torn apart by walkers-" "How-" "Longer story." Nash said firmly.

"The guy saved my life, took me in, they patched up my wounds and I got introduced to everyone. Guy in charge ran his town by fear - and acted like I approved of his lifestyle. Earned his trust, killed him and his wife in their sleep... I had to. It was. The only way to stop them from killing anyone else... I took their bodies out, burned them somewhere far in the forest where the smoke couldn't be seen and told his people. They were all shocked at first, till I made up the story of them attacking me, then it all eased." I paused again, and recollected my thoughts.

"I stayed there for a good 2 or 3 years... I don't remember but, when I was fixing up the gates, something reminded me of you guys. My people were talking about this other place - Havana - they didn't know if it was still up or down in flames due to the stories some people passed around, but, I told them. I have to get back to what I was doing in the first place - searching for my family. I gave my place to the guard that saved my life, and he told me he'll run Trens just like I did, maybe even better... I packed my essentials in my bag and headed my way over."

"As I did, I came across some weird things... A cabin, a herd of walkers I had to deal with, and a little message in the road. Which somehow, led me to Emely..." His lips curved up into a smile as he looked over at Emely - who was on top of Hayes' lap, his arms wrapped around her - she smiled back.

"That's basically it, after that we found our way here to you guys." Nash shrugged, playing around with his fingernails.

"Emely, you want to go next?" I asked, and she looked up, biting her lip. "Uh-" She choked up, and looked around frantically at everyone. "Um, I- I can't." She got off of Hayes and ran up the stairs, him soon following behind along with me.

I didn't say a word to anybody when I went up, just followed the sounds of Em sobbing quietly.

"Em..." I called out softly when I entered the room they were in. Em laid on a bed flat on her stomach, her face in a pillow as Hayes pulled me in.

"She won't tell me what's wrong." He says, and closes the door. "Em... What happened... You can tell us, we just want to know... Help you if you want." I said softly, and I looked down at her head.

She pulled her hands out from underneath the pillow and wiped her eyes as she sat up.

She looked at the both of us, and propped her head up with her hand.

"Well, when I separated from Jack and the girls, I was taken in to this group after being alone for a couple of months..."

-The Rest Is Known-

"I killed him. When he knocked out on he couch. And I escaped. Happily." No tears fell, but a smile appeared on her face.


I cupped her face with both of my hands, and kissed her forehead as I felt my eyes well up with tears.

'My baby needed me and I wasn't there...'


2K17, & I'm Already Stressed 😭🙄

I Can't Say How Sorry I Am 😭💔 I Haven't Updated In The Longest, My Life Actually Got Interesting & Busy 🙄 And I Don't Like It 😭

Hope You Like This Chapter Though ❤️

Just Edits 🤘🏽

But The Next Chapter Soon Come 😚

Vote. Comment. Read On :)
(I don't even deserve votes 😭)

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