three | bobby morley - actor

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bob morley

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bob morley.

[more about bob]:

bobby appeared in various theatre productions and short films. he was later in the strip, scorched, home and away, road kill and is recently on the 100 working on season three!

he was born in kyneton, victoria, australia. he was born to a filipino mother and an australian-irish father who died when he was young. bobby has three siblings, two sisters and one older brother. he is the youngest of the four.

growing up: he studied drama at school all the way to year 11 until he was asked to no longer continue to study it – he said he was quiet a naughty student and did not take things seriously. after he completed year 12 he decided to move to melbourne where he later began an engineering degree. a year after that he decided to enroll himself in creative arts at the la trobe university and got himself an agent.

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