Chapter 14

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I began mentally preparing myself as Pegasus galloped on the air currents, rising and falling with the tides of wind. Finch clasped her hands around my waist tightly, refusing to look down and see the moon-lit earth that was Amphilias. Our only light, the shimmering white brilliance dimly cast her shadow on the desert as we flew South-East, heading towards Ranwick Forest. I had not been back there since our encounter with Nadu. Ranwick Forest bordered most of the South side of the Erwhos River, and the West side of the woods wrapped around in a crescent moon shape, ending at the very South mountain range.

We were heading to the border of the forest nearer to the mountain range, where, about twenty kilometers from the trees, a smaller settlement was built. It housed a fair amount of the Requiem Army, and was basically a prison for captured Freedom Fighters who were being kept alive for information.

We were getting closer, I could sense it. Tomas and Sapphire flew silently beside us. To the West, in the woods I could see the rest of the raiders moving. The subtle swish of leaves, the moving of countless silhouettes in the tree line was the only indication anyone was even there. Vampires, witches, werewolves, a half-elf, they all ran together as one, working simultaneously as though by some unspoken agreement.

Half a kilometer away from the settlement, Tomas dropped and dismounted, joining his group in the trees as they prepared. I saw Indigon begin moving out into the desert behind us, in clear view of the settlement, while Reed continued on until they were behind the settlement, where the movement stilled, indicating they were in position and waiting. Half of Norfolk crouched down in the trees directly opposite the building, while stealthy shadows began to scale the walls. Some stopped at the different floors, while a few carried on and waited on the roof, silently taking out the guards without so much as scream.

"Get ready." I instructed Finch. "As soon as Pegasus lands, jump off and run to the back door. Don't wait. We need to get outta sight, and Pegasus can't hang around in case he's seen."

Surrounding guards have been taken out. Norfolk in position with no casualties. Silver, you're up. I heard Rydel's orders through Pegasus. Plan Boom is all go. He quoted Mum's reply. At that moment, I heard a loud bang, and looked back to see a whistling fireball go into the air. Below, countless torches marched forward. In reality, there was only fifteen or so people down there, but Mum's spell had worked well, and it looked like there was well over one hundred people.

"Pegasus coming in for land." I reported, and Pegasus began his descent from the clouds. The wind whipped my face as we went lower and lower. Behind us, I heard shouts and yells as soldiers burst from the giant front doors, heading out to meet the "army". Pegasus landed on the dusty ground at a rapid trot, and Finch slipped off, taking her bag with her. I followed, and Pegasus took off again.

See you soon. I mind-linked.

I'm going to watch the show. Sapphire will be near. Pegasus answered. Good luck.

Like we need luck. I replied smugly. I felt his smirk but he did not reply, and I focused on the task at hand as I ran towards Finch. We both crouched on either side of the door, and I felt my heart quicken in anticipation of what was about to happen. Pulling out a gas mask, I slipped it on and let the fresh air flood in, before I grabbed my gun and fitted a light to it, so I would have some vision in the gas.

Silver and Finch are in place. I mind-linked Pegasus. Awaiting confirmation to induce gas. After receiving approval from Rydel, I counted to three with my fingers, and on three I stood back and kicked open the door. Finch unpinned four bombs, and threw them in. Shutting the door quickly, we waited five minutes, before I gestured for her to go in. We are entering now. I confirmed.

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