Approved Relationship

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"Smooth move Reiji," Mai said as she pushes the older man's face away from hers. Sure she didn't want to hide her relationship from the others but this isn't somethings you just blurt out to 15 and 19-year-old males. She looked at STARISH and sighs, "If you wish to know about my approved love life then you're just going to have to win on Saturday." The dancer took Reiji's hand and she left with Quartet Night.

"Well this explains a few things," Tokiya said breaking the silence. Reiji was excited when she walked through the door. The awkward aura Mai gave off when he and Otoya walked into the room. It was obvious!

"How come they get to break the rules?" Natsuki asked as he tilts his head.

Everyone was curious and jealous at the same time because they had to sacrifice their love life to be an idol. What made her an exception to the biggest rule? "Guess we have another reason to win now," Ren said and crossed his arms over his chest.


Tonight was the night and since we all saw how that went down, we won't get too into it. So let's just show the concert with some of Mai's input.

When Heavens did their performance, Mai was sitting between Ai and Camus. "Hey Camus isn't that the guy from the party 2 years ago?" she asked after recognizing the leader of the group.

" Yes. Yes, it is," he simply said. He didn't want to talk about the man that almost stole his date.

~Few minutes into the song~

"They sound pretty good, but the special effects are an overkill," she commented. The guys nodded their heads in agreement as they watched.

The dancer's eyes widen when the dragon appeared and breathed fire on the audience. "I don't know if that's cool or disturbing that they're singing while burning the audience alive!"

Ai raised an eyebrow, "Mai calm down. It's not real."

"I know but doesn't this raise any red flags for you guys?" she responded.

Ai lets out a small sigh. He was kinda glad that she has three other boyfriends, 'Sometimes she can be too much to handle alone and full time.'

~After STARISH performs and the Happy Pulse~

"What the hell just happened?" she asked the others as they looked around. She felt happy but she saw a pinkish glow and was tripping out when everyone was flying in a circle. 'Did I take ecstasy before coming here?' she thought.

~During the encore~

"Wow those guys are something special," she said to herself then looked over at Ranmaru, who was singing along with the song. 'Any group that can get Ranmaru to sing along is a force to be reckoned with,' she giggles and soon she started to sing along too.

~After the show~

Mai was sitting in the car with Quartet Night as the driver took them home, "So when were you going to tell me that Quartet Night was retired?" she asked. Earlier she heard Reiji talk to the others about bringing Quartet Night back and at first, she was confused but she eventually put two and two together.

"You never asked," Ranmaru said as he rests his head against the window, trying to sleep.

"Also we weren't sure if we were officially done since Shinning called us all back in to be guides for the new guys," Reiji explained.

The dancer crossed her arms over her chest, "Anything else I should know about?" she asked. The car was silent and they all shook their head, "Okay then."

" Hey..." She looked at the rockstar, "You're not attracted to any of them are you?" Ranmaru asked her. She knew the meaning of the question.

" Well, I can't lie to you guys. They are attractive in their own way but I draw the line at Ai when it comes to dating those that younger than me," she said. Ai was an exception because he is mature for his age.

"So that cancels out Cecil, Otoya, Masato, and Syo," Ai said because those four were 18 or younger.

" That only leaves Shinomiya, Ichinose, and Jinguji because they're 19 going on 20 this year," Camus put in and Mai raised an eyebrow.

"Are you guys trying to pinpoint any rivals?" she asked.

" Not rivals but potential additions!" Reiji said as he wrapped an arm around her. "We have to approve them before you do anything crazy. Remember?"

Mai groaned a bit when she remembered on the day before she left they made an agreement. If anyone had any attraction to someone outside the group, they need to be approved by everyone involved. However, if one member disapproves of the person then it's a big no to have a relationship with them. That arrangement was made in case someone caught the feels while they were separated. Mai thought it was stupid at first because she thought it would give them an excuse to bring random groupies into something that was so special to her. Fortunately, no one brought anyone new into their circle, 'So why are they talking about it now?' she thought.

~At the Master Course Dorm~

The group walked in through the door to find STARISH waiting for them. "Alright spill it! What is going on between you and them!" Syo pointed at her then and Quartet Night

Mai blinked for a moment then lets out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair she doesn't appreciate yelling when it's so late and when it's coming from a small, hot- headed, 17-year-old. "Careful Syo, next time you talk to me with that tone, you're going to lose an inch." She took off her high heels and pointed them at him, " Understood?"

" Y-yes ma'am," the blonde said and took a step back.

"Good," she looked at the others behind him, " Where's Nanami?" she asked.

"She went to bed," Otoya answered.

Mai was relieved. She didn't want her first female friend to see such an aggressive side to her and be intimidated. Also, she didn't want the composer to know about the lifestyle she was going to reveal to STARISH. "Alright time to keep my end of the bargain," Mai explained to them the important details from how she ended up loving 4 guys at once, to when they agreed to do polygamy, and to when they made the deal with Shinning. " And that's pretty much it," she said

"So does that mean you have your own harem?" Cecil asked after possessing what she just said.

"Well you can say that but it's deeper than that," she smiled softly, " I just have enough love to give them."

"And she's a pain in the ass if you spend time with her for too long so we split the headache amongst ourselves," Ranmaru said before going to his room.

"Hey!" she growled under her breath before looking at the boys. " Anyway, that's pretty much it. It works for us but it doesn't work well with everyone so think before you put such a pressure onto your composer." She felt Ai take her hand and she bid everyone goodnight before leaving with the three other members of Quartet Night.

STARISH stood there in silence before Otoya raised his hand, " Maybe we can..."
"No!" Everyone else said. They knew what he was going to suggest and they knew that it won't work. Haruka wouldn't be able to handle all of their love at once and they get possessive and jealous way too easily to share her. So in the end, it is up to Haruka Nanami to choose who she wants to be with and the others will just have to move on.

AN: Okay it's voting time guys Private Message me or leave a comment (If you're on the Wattpad) to decide who should get Haruka Nanami. Who knows she might even get two people instead of one since I heard that was like an ending in the game.

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