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Reiji was bent over with his hands on his knees breathing heavily. The practice was long and hard and not in a good way! Mai has been working them for hours with little breaks. Everyone was exhausted and sweaty.

"Okay looks like we're done for today..." Mai used a towel to wipe her forehead.

"About time..." Ranmaru chugged down his water bottle.

"I had never danced so much in my life," Camus said before sipping his water bottle.

"Myu-chan this would be a good time to use your ice magic..."Reiji said as he casually twirled around Camus scepter.

"You fool!" The Count snatched his scepter back from him. "You can not abuse the power of frost!"

Mai raised an eyebrow at him, "Don't you use that thing to keep your ice cream from melting?"

Camus had a light blush on his cheeks and The didn't make a response to that. How did she know about that?!

The door to the dance room opened and Ren and Natsuki walked. They looked like they were in a rush.

"Mai-chan can you listen to our entry song please," she almost didn't understand what he said when he spoke that fast and a CD shoved into her hands.

"Y-your entry song?!" There's no way that Haruka and STARISH could get a song composed and recorded in such a short amount of time. 'Are those bags in their eyes?' She thought. "Does Shinning know about this?"

"Not yet but we're on our way to show him," Ren gave her a quick kiss on the lips, " Thanks, Princess we owe you one." He said before walking out.

"We love you so much!" Natsuki kissed her cheek before quickly following behind his friend.

'Oh hell no,' They did not just expect her to listen to a song that wasn't approved and choreograph it! She only has two days left! She lets out a small sigh, 'I'll cuss them out later...' she thought before looking at the men in the room. "Guys you can stay and listen or go hit the showers..." she gave them a small smile, "You've earned a break."

"We will stay and listen for a bit," Camus told her. After all, they were curious about what STARISH has come up with over night.

The next day after Quartet Night vouched for STARISH and got them into the competition, Mai immediately put the 7 boy group to work. She was a bit harsher on them because they were pressed for time and every minute counts.

However, she does give them a little leeway for them to have fun and have a good laugh. Like every time someone stumbles or actually falls she couldn't help but giggle at how flustered they got. Hard to believe that collected Masato was capable of messing up and that Ren and Otoya fall all the time. Hell, even Tokiya broke character once or twice.

(Go to the bloopers of  Stage On video in YouTube)

Her day practice was disturbed when Quartet Night came in and asked if she could help them with making a few changes to their choreography.

"Are you serious? You know I'm pressed for time over here ." Mai crossed her arms. They better have a good explanation for wanting to alter the dance at last minute.

"But Maaaai we need help with making the dance look even cooler!" Reiji got on his knees suddenly and wrapped his arms around her legs. "Please!"

Mai clenched her jaw and her hands, "Reiji. Get. Up." Her cheeks were red as her boyfriend further embarrassed her in front of the group she was working with.

" Not until you say yes!"

"You won't stay down there for long," she crossed her arms over her chest. These are hardwood floors and they tend to be painful on the knees.

"Wanna bet! You and I both know I can stay on my knees before you for long periods of time." He nuzzles into her thigh and winks up at her.

Her face was almost redder than Otoya's hair.

"Did he just say what I think he just said," Tokiya with a disturbed look on his face.

"He really is something," Even though Ren had a lopsided grin on his face, his eyes showed a bit of jealousy and his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Can anyone get him off me?" Mai asked as she tried to free her legs but she had no success.

"Are you going to help us change the choreography?" Ai asked.

"Y-yes!" She was getting a bit flustered because her captor was trying to put his face in one of her most intimate areas. The only thing that was stopping him was her hand pushing against his face.

"Thank you so much!" Reiji jumped up and kissed her cheek before leaving the room.

"See you soon," Ranmaru kissed her cheek before following Reiji.

"Do your best," Ai left a kiss on her forehead.

Finally, the Count walked up to her and took her hand, "Do not keep us waiting forever," he planted a kiss on the back of her hand then left with Ai.

Mai watched them leave and lets out a small sigh. "This is going to be a long dance day..." she glanced over at STARISH and clapped her hands. "What are you guys looking at?" The dancer walked up to them, "If I remember correctly, Tokiya-kun and Ren, you guys still need to work on giving me fan service and not kicking Otoya and Syo in the back of the head." Mai walked around and snapped her fingers, "So let's be like Rihanna and get back to work work work work work!"

'Who is Rihanna?' They all thought at the same time.

AN: Ah guys it's almost about that time. Next chapter is going to be the contest. What's going to happen no one knows. Hell, I don't even know! Also, no I am NOT going to continue this into season 4 for two reasons.
1. There are too much sexual tension and too many guys for me to even keep up and slip an OC in. (But I still like season 4 so far)

2. I'm planning on making another fanfic to a different anime with new OC that might be provided!

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