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"Julian OH MY GOD!" I jumped onto my brother and wrapped my arms around him. It's been a long time since I last saw him.

"What brings you to California?"

"Well, I'm on a one day business trip so I decided stop by and pay you a visit. Mom misses you a lot. But she wanted me to tell you that she's proud of the woman you are." Those words hit home. I love my mother to death. I feel guilty because I moved across the country to California.

"Tell her I miss her too. Also-"

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!" Ahh shit. I forgot Tom was coming over. And on top of that, my brother was here.

"Lindsey, who the hell is that?" My brother whispered in my ear.

"My ex. I'll call you. Go catch your plane! Love you!" My brother pulled me in a hug and shook his head as he walked past Tom.

"Was that the guy Kelly was talking about?" WHAAAAT?  Was Tom Kaulitz getting jealous. This can't be. Not him.

"Hahaha you're funny. You couldn't tell that me and Julian look alike? You couldn't tell that we both have the same eyebrows and brown eyes and pouty lips?" I stated in a duhh tone.

(A/N: Me and my brother do strangely look alike, but I'm cuter. lol)

"Since when did you have a brother?" The look on his face was priceless. For Tom, jumping to conclusions was always a bad thing. He was so insecure.

"Ever since I was born. You would've known I had a brother if we wouldn't have broken up." It was an awkward silence after I said that. Tom looked down at this shoes in a disappointing matter.

"Lin, I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through," he said as he started to sit on my couch."I'm sorry I cheated. I'm sorry I lied. I'm sorry for being a complete asshole. I'm sorry. I fucked up. I love you, and I miss you. When you left me, I as depressed. I started drinking more, and I started smoking more. I was going down hill. If I was going through that, I know you were going through an even tougher time. I am really sorry for the pain I caused."

Hearing him apologize caused me to cry. This is the Tom I know. This is the Tom I missed. Letting a tear fall from my eye, Tom leaned in to wipe it. He stared into my eyes. I could read Tom like I book. the look he was giving me was a pleading look. A look for forgiveness. We both leaned in for a long passionate kiss.

I've missed his voice, his lips, his smell, the way he would wrap his arms around me when we would fall asleep, the way he looked, I missed everything. I missed HIM. Maybe I'm forgiving him to early. Maybe I'm doing the right thing. All I know Is that I'm happy.

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