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Tom's POV

It's been weeks since the party, and since Lindsey poured her heart out to me. I have to admit I fucked up. Bad. I still can't believe I did what I did. I can't even believe she's still with me.

Getting out of bed I did my hygiene thing and walked into the kitchen. I see a plate full of food and a noted beside it:


If you're reading this I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I left this way. I just can't act like nothing happened. There's no use in asking people where I am, because I didn't tell anyone. I'm sorry. I'll be back soon.





I dropped the note and ran into our bedroom and walked into the closet. I see two empty shelves where her clothes used to be. I dropped to the ground and cried. She's gone. It may be temporary, but she's still gone. I did this. This is all my fucking fault. SHIT!

Lindsey's POV

While stepping off the airplane I can help but think of what Tom may be up to. I feel like a complete asshole, but then again I didn't do anything. I'm in Georgia visiting my parents. I felt that if I'm taking a break, I might as well go visit my family.

Being home is the biggest stress reliever I could ever have.

"Hey mom!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"OH MY GOD! LINDSEY!" my mom was crying tears of joy when she hugged me. I missed her so much.



Saying I was a daddy's girl was an understatement. I jumped into my dad's arms embracing him in the biggest hug.

He took my bags upstairs to my old room and me and my mom took a walk around my old neighborhood.

"I see nothing has changed around here."

"Yeah it hasn't. What brings you here?"

If there's one thing I can say about my mom, is that she always knows when someone has a lot on their mind.

"I just needed a break from California, and from people out there."

"It's that boy isn't it?" my mom stopped dead in her tracks. She's always liked Tom, and when ever she found out he did something she would always give me the best advice.

"Yes, I found out about 3 weeks ago that he got... oral from another girl at a party," I stopped talking to clear my throat, "and ever since then I felt depressed, so I came out here to get away."

"Baby, you have to go back to face your problems. I know you just got here, but you can't say out here forever. You need to face your problems."

With that being said we walked back home and I went to sleep after showering of course.

I already made my decision that I'll be going back in two weeks.

Two weeks later

Tom's POV

I can't function without her. No matter what people would say, all I needed was Li. Not even Bill could help me.

Right now I'm sitting in the living room in my baggy sweat pants with no shirt on. I think I hear someone walking in the house, but then again, no one is here.

"I'm back T."

Am I hallucinating? Do I really hear her voice? Naaaaaah I must be going crazy. All I need to do is close my eyes.


"Li- Lindsey?" I looked up and saw her smiling. I jumped off the couch and ran to her picking her up and twirling her.

"Li I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like I did. I promise it will never happen again. I swear." I looked her in her eyes while saying that, and I meant every word.

"You swear?" She asked looking down. I lifted her chin and planted a soft kiss on her plump lips.

"Cross my heart.."


There you Go. I'm going to stop updating until I get detailed comments on both of my stories.

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