Known Part 2

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Lindsey's POV

OMG! It's.... it's...

Tom's POV

I didn't even realized how hard I was kicking the person until I heard Li screaming. I looked at her and she pointed down at the body. I looked in the direction and saw my twin brother Bill. I feel so betrayed and so in raged. I grabbed him by his studded jacket, slammed him against the car.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" I screamed at him

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT!" he yelled back and spit in my face. I punched him in his jaw.

"FUCK YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY OTHER HALF! I THOUGHT BE AND YOU WERE ALWAYS ON EACH OTHERS SIDE, BUT YOU KIDNAP ME AND YOUR SUPPOSEDLY BFF?" he looked down at the ground and I let him go. I can't fucking believe that the one guy, my own fucking BROTHER turned his back against me, and put me and my girl in danger.

It pissed me off so much that I just started walking away from the scene. I didn't even tell Lin to follow me, because I knew she would've anyway.

Lindsey's POV

OH SHIT! I can't fucking believe this shit! I thought that it was fucking Ria, but her crazy ass is in a mental facility, but really? Bill? That's fucked up. Tom started walking off into the distance. I didn't want to walk beside him, because I knew he needed to calm down, so I walked behind him.

Just as I started I felt something grab my foot. I screamed to the top of my lungs, loud enough that Tom ran back and pried Bill's grip from my leg.

The walk back to the city was silent. An uncomfortable silence. You could cut the tension with a butcher knife. I really wanted to talk to Tom about it, but it wasn't the right time.

I'll just wait 'til he's ready.


I feel as though I'm not getting enough feedback. Idk how to progress, if I don't receive any ideas. So comment what you think may happen next, and comment what you think so far.

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