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I wake on a couch next to the one that got away, but I got her back. I'm So glad that she gave me another chance. I've really missed her. Losing her was like losing a part of me. I'm not saying that she can replace my brother, no one can. I'm saying that she means a lot like he does.

On the other had. Ria tries to replace Bill. I don't know why she thinks I will chose her over him. I just can't get it through to her that she and I don't have the connection Bill and I have.

Oh shit... Ria.

"Mmmm. Good morning Tom." Lindsey said while stretching. Man I've missed waking up to her beautiful bare face.

"Good morning babe." I kissed her on her cheek and got up. Damn. Damn. Damn. How do I explain not coming home last night to Ria. Ugh. I put on my shoes and got my keys.

"Lin, I'll be back later. I got to go."

"It's cool. Bye Tom."

Stepping out her apartment I realized I forgot my hoodie. Walking back inside I couldn't find it.


Man, she isn't responding. I start pacing the floor and walk into her bedroom. I called her name, but no respond. Pushing open the bathroom door, I see her in the shower. Damn, she had a beautiful body. Thank god for translucent showers. Staring at her, feel my member start to rise. Fuck the hoodie, I have to go.

While walking towards my car, I can't keep Lindsey's body off my mind. I'm so happy I can call her mine again. Now it's time to get rid of Ria.

Ahhh. I pulled up to my house and who do I see standing in the window? Ria. I'm already annoyed. I'm just gonna go in the house and watch television.

"TOM WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN," I let out a long sigh and fixed me a bowl of cereal. "I CALLED BILL, HE SAID HE HAD NO CLUE WHERE YOU WERE, BUT I KNEW THAT WAS A LIE. I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YO- wait. Were you with that stupid BITCH?"

"What bitch?" I said looking at her with droopy eyes.

"THAT LINDSEY BITCH!" she shouted.

''DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!" I yelled at Ria. She had no right to call Lindsey a bitch. I'm done.

"TOM YOU'RE WITH ME. YOU'RE MINE!" A tear fell from her eye.

"I'm not yours and I never was," I said in a low voice. "I'm Lindsey's and will always be hers. You were just here to have sex with, and now that I'm back with her you can leave. Fuck you Ria. Get out." I returned to my seat and ate my cereal.

"But... but To-"


Ria went to the bedroom to pack her things. When she came out she looked me in my eye, and I nodded towards the door. FINALLY! You have no clue how long I've been trying to do that. You may say 'that was mean' or 'how rude' but you have I be in my shoes.

She used me for fame, so I used her for sex. 50/50. Do I feel bad? No. Should I go after her? You wish. I already have the best thing there is. That's Lindsey. My one and true love. ❤

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