...Lost For Words

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Lindsey's POV

5 minutes later

"I don't know if this is good, or bad for someone your age but you're not pregnant." Dr. Sarah said and put up her clip board.

"Thanks you for you're help." I said on the way out.

I can't believe I'm not pregnant. I- i don't know how I really feel about this.

"Are you good?" Tom said getting the car started.

"Ahh Ummm, Yeah, I am. Let's just go get something to eat." 

Tom did a U- turn at the intersection and we went to some Italian restaurant since we both loved Italian food. When we got seated we ordered our food and drinks, and sat in silence. I could tell Tom was in deep thought just like I was.

Tom's Thought

Dammit! I was really looking forward having a little one running around our house raising hell. I feel a little depressed, but I have to be here for Li. I know she probably feels the same if not worse.

Back To Lindsey's POV

My thought was interrupted by the most adorable baby girl crying at the table next to us. I even shedded a tear or two.

"Lin, please stop crying." Tom said grabbing and holding onto my hand.

"I'm sorry, I just- I just wished I was pregnant." I finally got out.

"Look.. Maybe this is a good sigh. That we weren't ready to have a child and that we need to work on us before we have a child. But trust me baby, one day we will have baby, but maybe not now." he leaned up to kiss my soft pink lips and then I hear clapping and a lot of awww's

I blushed in embarrassment and Tom, being cocky as always, smirks and kisses me again, but just a peck.

We ate, but I felt like I was being watched the whole time. I don't know why, but I've felt that way ever since the Bill incident.  I guess I;m not use to living so "normal" since I've dated Tom. It seems like me and him never get a chance to actually be romantic with each other. I'm either modeling, or he's with the band, but I don't think he'll be in the and anymore since what happened.

Anyway, we finished eating and left. No wonder why I felt like I was being stalked. It was Sarah the Stalker. You know, that teenage girl that stalks all her favorite celebrities. Well, Tom and I took about 5 pictures and left to go home. I'm exhausted. It's been a long fucking day.

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