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I don't know how it happened. One second we were driving peacefully, the next second I sent us all flying off a bridge. I'll have to make sure to cross that off my bucket list.

I don't know how I could have let this happen. I had made all of those kids lives tough enough with the constant pranks, and to top it off I had to send them all to their deaths.

As the van started to drop, so did everyone's stomach. Someone screamed in the back. Or maybe I just imagined it.

The river below was getting closer to us, or we were getting closer to it. Either way, we were all going to meet eventually.

Someone hit the back of my seat. Another scream came from the back, this one positively real.

I closed my eyes. It was all over. I failed. I failed myself. But more importantly, I failed the kids. The only people in my life I had learned to call family. I had let them all down. Down towards a river five hundred feet below.

"I'm sorry guys", I whispered. "I'm sorry."

And with that, we made contact with the ground and submerged into the river.


We were all completely underwater. And we were all probably going to die. None of us could hold our breath very long. The previous game we had played proved that.

My head was gushing blood from where I had hit it on Uncle Ricky's seat, turning the water we were concealed in dark red.

I had lost hope. We all had lost hope. I closed my eyes and silently said goodbye to the people I loved.

When I opened them again, the salt water coming from my eyes mixed with the blood water around us all.

Then I spotted it. A pencil. An orange pencil on the floorboard below me.

I used the last remaining strength I had and swam down to the bottom of the van.

As we started to sink deeper, the sun light started to dim, making it very hard to see.

My hands finally touched the carpeted floor of the van. The pencil was right in front of me. I reached out my hand and picked up, loosing my last remaining breath.

I started to swim to the front of the van. I made my way to the windshield, the pencil tight in my grasp.

When I reached the window, I pressed the pencil into the bottom of the glass as hard as I could.

I was running out of air. With all the I had left, I urged the pencil harder into the glass.

The window started to crack. I gave the pencil one more hard shove, and then the window broke into a million pieces.

I swam out of the huge space I had just created, looking behind me to be sure everyone was following.

Sure enough, everyone started to emerge from the window shield, making their way towards the surface.

I kicked my kegs as hard as I could and started to move upward. I couldn't hold my breath anymore.

Everything was going black. My head hurt. I couldn't breath.

Finally, my head broke the surface, followed by everyone else.

We all swam over to the edge of the river and climbed up into the grass, grateful to breath.

Brenne was coughing up water, along with Arianne and Camille.

I took a deep breath. "Well that was fun", I said.

Uncle Ricky smiled. "It could have been better." He stopped smiling. "I'm sorry kids", he started. "I was supposed to protect you, and instead I sent us off a bridge. I'm sorry." He buried his face into his hands.

Echo walked over to him. "It's ok, Uncle Ricky. It wasn't your fault", she said, trying to comfort him.

"Ya, its not like anyone got hurt, right?", Serene asked.

"My heads a little bloody, but other than that everyone's fine", I said.

"Well, at least were all still together, right?", Hailey asked.

I looked around, and then my heart leapt into my throat.

"Guys", I started. Everyone looked at me.

I took a deep breath, then spoke.

"Peyton's gone."

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