I Spy With My Little Eye

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We had been driving for two hours so far, and after the pain in my butt started to dial down, it was actually kind of fun.

After getting to know Uncle Ricky's actual nieces, we all realized that they were exactly like us. They liked the same music, the same humor, and practically everything else.

"So", Brenne started. "Anyone want to play a game?"

"Sure, why not?", Hailey asked.

"Ok, I'll start." Brenne cleared her throat. "Three thousand bottles of milk on the wall, three thousand bottles of milk! Take one do-"

"Ya, were done with that", Echo said. "How about another game?"

Brenne looked disappointed. "What do you have in mind?", she asked Echo.

"Well, we could always play I-spy!", she said excitedly.

"Ya, we're not doing that either", I said.

Echo dropped her head.

I sighed. "Fine, we can play one game", I said.

Echo'e eyes widened. "Ok! I spy with my little eye something... blue!", she said excitedly.

"Is it the sky?", Arianne asked.

Echo shook her head.

"Is it my shirt?", Yippers asked, pointing at her dark blue shirt.

Echo shook her head again.

"Is Uncle Ricky's underwear?", Jet asked.

I looked over at Uncle Ricky and quickly turned my head away.

"Please don't tell me that's it!", I begged Echo.

Echo shook her head, silently gagging.

"Whatcha kids doin' back there?", Uncle Ricky asked.

"Just admiring your perfection", I said, holding back a gag and laughter at the same time.

Uncle Ricky smiled. "It's about time!", he said, rather pleased.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"C'mon, you guys still haven't guessed what I spied with my little eye", Echo said.

"Oh, can I play?", Jasmine asked, hopping into the back with us.

"Sure", Echo said. "You're looking for something blue".

"Ok", Jasmine said, tapping her lip. "Is it your ring?", she asked.

Echo looked down at her finger to where the mood ring rested.

"I forgot I still had that", Echo said, kind of confused.

"So its not the ring?", Yippers asked.

Echo shook her head, still looking down at the ring.

"Hey kids, you wanna play game?", Uncle Ricky asked.

"We were kind of in the middle of one, but I think we're finished", Jet said.

"I'll take that as a yes", Uncle Ricky said. "Ok, I'm thinking of a number between one and one-hundred."

"Is it six?", I asked.

Uncle Ricky stared at me through the rear-view mirror. "How did you know?", Uncle Ricky asked, amazed and confused at the same time.

"I've got skills", I said. "And a pinch of luck."

"More like a cup", Uncle Ricky mumbled, returning his gaze to the road.

Echo looked up from the ring. "Hey, I'm gonna take a little nap", she said, yawning. She leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

I put my finger to my lips. "We need to be silent until she falls asleep", I whispered.

Everyone nodded their heads and looked out the van window.

"Oh, I have a fun game!", Jet whispered excitedly.

"What is it?", Brenne asked.

"Up ahead, there's a bridge", Jet started. "We all try to hold our breath while we're crossing the bridge. If you breath, you loose", she explained.

Everyone nodded their head and started to take deep breaths, preparing their lungs.

The van rumbled over the bridge, and we all held our breath, including Uncle Ricky.

Jet gave a thumbs up to show that we were doing it right.

Echo held her breath too, which showed she was still awake.

Camille's face was turning red, and before long she let out her breath and started to breath again. She was soon followed by me, Echo, Yippers, Brenne, Arianne, Serene, Hailey, Jasmine, and Jet. Uncle Ricky was the last one to let out.

"I won!", he said excitedly, rubbing it in our faces. "Hah-".

His excitement was cut short by the shriek of breaks.

An eighteen-wheeler was in our lane, and it didn't show any sign of moving or slowing down.

Uncle Ricky tried to switch lanes, but there was a car to our left.

We only had one option.

"Hang on!', Uncle Ricky instructed us.

Echo hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. Everyone else grabbed the first thing they could find.

Uncle Ricky jerked the wheel to the right, breaking the van through the bridges concrete barrier.

We went plummeting off the bridge, falling down to the river below.

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