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"I'm sorry boy. but someone has to pay." he tells young Harold , who was merely a man as his tears trickled down his dirty face. 

"So you better run."


He awakes to the sound of the roosters , flapping their wings , yelling. He immediately stands to fix his tiny bed and puts on my crisp, white shirt. He stands for a minute , thinking about how something could still stupefy him even after years of trying to barricade it deepest part of his brain. He looks at his old and faded clock that said 4:58 ."I shouldn't have taken an afternoon nap."  he thought to himself, annoyed. Sandro, his newfoundland suddenly burst into the room, happily making his way to his owner. Harry gives his only companion, in the middle of nowhere, a kiss and a hug, somehow making up for his terrible sleep. "Hey my boy." He smiles and the dog cutely barks not missing to lick one bit of his face.He gets out of his room and turns on the radio whilst preparing his dinner. A familiar song then sings out of the radio and he hums to himself quitely. 

"Father." he thought. 

The stove suddenly sizzles, taking the man back to the real world. Oh how he missed him. He then stares out the window, that revealed his green lands, wherein he tends his sheep. He was a Shepherd. And although being a shepherd means being isolated from the changing world in the city, he liked it this way. He was one of those people whom you would offer a sleek chrysler saratoga and he'd easily say no. Or the type of person that would rather wear the same thing for years than buy everything that he doesn't need.Perhaps he's just not fond of new things because ....Harold didn't like change.

He always wanted things to stay exactly the same. It was always the same for Harold.  

A sudden odd sound explodes from nearby that awakens the half-awake Harry. He then looks at the window once again, only to see his flock go into a frenzy which sends him wondering. "Wolves?" He wonders as Sandro barks aggressively at the door, waiting for Harold to open it. He immediately takes his staff and heads to open the door. "Slow down my boy." He tells Sandro, before opening the wooden door, setting the vexed dog free. He then gathers his sheep and leads them to their night shelter before following the enraged dog's loud barks. He walks with staff in his hand and a Scythe in the other. Thick, dark smoke comes out from what the direction of his supply house he built himself. 

He suddenly sees his favorite sycamore tree fall to the ground, making his heart tremble with anger. That was his Pa's tree.

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