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Jean continues to drive until she wasn't seeing the grey skies and tall buildings of New York anymore. Frightened her, it did ,since she was never out of the city but when she was a baby. 

At least not alone. 

The radio was helping her not burst into drastic tears but when she suddenly hears the radio break into static after hours and hours of driving and she finally explodes. "Goddammit Art. You piece of beautiful- SCUM! I HATE YOU!" she suddenly opens the window when she sees the picture of her and Arthur back in Paris and immediately throws it out. And then she screams and moans incoherent things as she continues to nowhere. She then wonders why she fell for that crumb in the first place. "I mean, I can agree that he has quite the stems* and is over all kippy, but he's manhattan's boyfriend for crying out loud. So why in the heavens did I fall for that butter and egg man*?" She bangs her head in the steering wheel when her eyes suddenly catch her compartment. She suddenly opens her it revealing her pretty little flask. She stops and thinks for a minute.

"Fuck it." she grumbles and gulps the mule to the last bit. Soon enough, it immediately makes her dizzy considering she wasn't really a drinker because the mayor's only daughter really shouldn't be seen doing anything, 'cheeky'  as her father would like to say. 'But then again, the mayor's only daughter can't really be seen doing anything but be forced to take law and be an uptight little bitch.'' Jean thinks to herself and starts bursting in laughter. 'I guess that's the burden of being somebody in the city. 'She absolutely adores her father since he's the only one who could make her snort and laugh to tears but it's just that her father takes being the mayor of new york one step too ,seriously. And Jean hated not being in control of her own life.

In a blink of an eye, Jean was in a place unknown but she kept on driving, successfully stopping from sobbing the life out of her thanks to her not being anywhere near sober. The road seemed to go on but not the civilization, at least. There were only empty, lonely fields and tall trees hovering her, making her think they were somehow taller than the buildings in the city. After a while scaring her own self to what might potentially happen to her, she suddenly sees a giant road sign beside the wet road that said "Welcome To Little Falls". 

"I'm not far from home after all." Jean murmurs, remembering her father mention this place before, as she looked at the setting sky. "But far enough." she grimaces. Adrenaline suddenly started running all over her body when she remembers she was all alone in nowhere. No one to watch her every move or judge how she talks and sits. No college too. Which is always a great thing. Her paws grip on the wheel tighter just thinking about how much freedom she has now. If she had a dog's tail it would be wagging out of her body by now. She was like an eagle set free. "No more rules! No body to look dainty for now! I'm sorry not sorry daddy!Whoo!" She howls to the air opening her window all the way down, removing all the pins and bobs that were holding her blonde hair up. She for once, isn't togged to the bricks anymore. She grabs a snipe from her bag, and pops one in her mouth with a grin. She grabs her lighter from the passenger seat when it slips out her hand. Forgetting about the wet road completely, she bends down and grabs the lighter from the car floor.

She gets her paws back on the wheel only to lose control of the wheels due to the slippery road.  With full stress she spins the wheel rapidly in attempt to take control of the car. She breaks a line of small fences and in to fields of green. The next thing she sees is a house built of wood that her ride demolishes within seconds. Her eyes was then met plenty rugged tree. "I am completely bonkers."

She closes her eyes, slowly accepting her fate. 

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