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When Jean opened her eyes, she was faced by an open windshield, who's glass had obviously fallen asunder due to the intense collision the tree that was now lying in the moss colored ground. Her eyes wander around the area and she sees a flock of sheep go berzerk and next to them is a small wooden house that seemed more of a curve than a house for the city girl's eyes. "I must be in a cattle ranch." Jean tries shaking away her spinning vision only to notice blood spewing everywhere as she does so. She puts her hand in her mouth in horror and notices that her nose was bleeding terribly. Luckily it was the only damage done to the porcelain woman. "I need to get out of here." she says grabbing her coat trying to get out her severely damaged car when she is suddenly meet by a huge, black, growling dog. "Oh dear..." she winces whilst trying to get out the car as the pup fiercely barks at her.

"Sandro! What is it-" She hears a voice from a far taking her a back. " If somebody sees me without a disguise, I'm getting into all sorts of trouble." Jean thinks to her self, almost crying at the thought of it. She quickly goes to the other side of the car, visibly unnoticeable from the angsty dog and  it's visiting owner. "Oh no oh no oh no....." the man cries and Jeans tries to take a peek. "Where is that person boy?" she hears the man question as she peeks.She was met by the saddest pair of eyes. "There you are." And she suddenly hears footsteps nearing her even more. Worst case scenarios started running through her head making her panic even more. "Run." Jean's mind says and off she and her cold, shoe-less feet does faster than a bullet in a random direction. "Hey wait!Stop!" Jean continues running to the unknown woods with her bare feet touching the muddy ground.  She falls a couple of times but gets back on her feet in a flash. "Oh god " She looks back only to see the man following her. With her quick glance she immediately notices the blade the man had in his hand. "I am absolutely going to die." she whispers as she continued running in the slippery mud. "Stop! Hey you! That part is dangerous!" the man yells at her. "Like heck it it! This place isn't the one holding a damned blade!" she yells back to her murder-wannabe.  She hears random metal clanking and other unknown sounds as she continues to run in the wild making her heart beat more. "I need you to stop or else you'll-"  "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" 

Jean squeels as she was sent flying to the air, hanging upside down. Her left foot was caught in a tight rope attached to a tall tree.. She sees the mans figure through the trees , with the light now gone. The darkness makes her more emotional as the man nears her.    "Please don't kill me! Please! I beg of you!"Jean cries hysterically as she hung upside down. She then remembers her small dagger her father gave her for her 18th that was always attached to the garter of her bloomers. She rushes to take it out of her lace bloomers and points it to the man with her quivering hands. "You go in a step closer and I swear I'm gonna make this go through your throat." "Shut up or I'm goin' to let the bears feast on you tonight." The man's thick, scruff voice blurts out a few feet away from Jean. The man is now in front of her making her freeze still.  

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