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"Jean, honey! Listen to me!" Arthur, Jeans fianc-, EX-fiance yell out the aisle with one hand in his crotch. "Oh Arthur baby, okay I'll listen to you-" Jean turns around, batting her pretty blues at his ex- stud muffin who's hands' the only thing covering his whole body. 

"Oh wait- I hear your harlot calling out for you? I think she's hungry. Why don't you go over there and feed her your morning wood!" Jean sarcastically screams before turning her back around, clutching the buttons of her camel-colored coat while striding out the cold streets of Brooklyn. Without a doubt, she again has caught Arthur banging a random red-head in your apartment.  She found it so hilarious that Arthur had always told her about her sexual desires for red-heads but never actually took it seriously. Yeah, he'd told her about the constant boner he gets when a pretty lil' red headed passes by, but she never took it as an actual thing since she was complacent that his man,loved her blonde hair secretly too. 

But then she started noticing the amount of red hair on the shower, the bed, the couch and then very recently her best friend, Peppa's (A red haired whore) necklace in their bathroom sink then she knew something wrong. It's not like she hasn't caught him more than a million times cheating like there's no tomorrow, but she decided that today is the last straw. It's too bad though, since she actually loved Arthur. Even more than she loved herself.

"Doll!Listen to me! " He steps out of the streets, unashamed of his toned, body.  "Cocky cunt." Jean whispers to herself, keeping a straight face as she continued to walk.  Immediately, Preppy, professional looking women start gawking at the piece of art that is Arthur's body, making Jean roll her eyes."Jean! Baby doll! She seduced me! I didn't know! I love you sweet pea!" Arthur tries to call out that sends Jean overboard.  With tears, now streaming on her face she walks back to her half naked fiance and his eyes suddenly sparkles, knowing that he's got her girl back. "But I'm too broken boy. Will you fix me?" Jean touches Arthur's chest then onto his shoulders. Arthur gives her the sweetest smile and holds both her hands, seemingly forgetting about his willy. "For you baby? I'll mend you back together." Jean suddenly smirks, giving him a wry smile as the laughter in the streets of brooklyn rises. "Your package's out boy!" one random person yells out making the man aware that he was infact, naked.

  She then bends both of his fingers, in both hands and does not stop until she heard a sweet "crack" making Arthur scream and push her away in agony. "Please take care of him officer. I do believe his brain accidentally fell into his willy which is the cause of this atrocious public nudity. I do, thank you in the highest degree." And officer suddenly shows up, pinning the naked (and afraid (also very very angry)) man to the ground. "You're going to pay for this Jean! You dumb blonde! I have money!" Arthur lividly yells as Jeans walks to her powder blue, aero minor, yelling "My daddy's the mayor idiot!" before driving off.

It wasn't until 5 minutes into driving off that Jean's eyes start watering. Oh Jean. Always acting tough even when she knows she isn't.

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