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He couldn't believe it. The only memory left of his Father was now lying on the floor. And it was all because of a stupid vehicle and a stupid driver whom he was now chasing. He swiftly overcomes all his bear traps in the woods that he worked hard on just to save a girl who appeared to be a brain child. Dismissing all his warnings, the porcelain woman continued to run away from him. Harold suddenly notices the sun disappear from the sky , alarming him. 

"Stop!Hey you! That part is dangerous!" He tries to stop the woman from running into one of his very last trap in the woods. ""Like heck it it! This place isn't the one holding a damned blade!" she screams back making him look at his scythe. "This is why she's running? " Harold thinks to himself almost laughing. The woman continues to run towards his animal trap sending Harry disconcert.  "I need you to stop or else you'll-" "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" The woman finally steps into the trap, they rope clinging tightly on her ankle attached to a tree that sends her flying upside-down. Harold laughs to himself, walking forward the the hanging woman when suddenly he takes notice of her long porcelain legs and her vibrant red knickers. He looks away scoffing. "Please don't kill me! Please! I beg of you!" the woman sobs , covering her face. She then abruptly reaches up to her bloomers , making Harold the most uncomfortable, and takes out a small dagger.¨You go in a step closer and I swear I'm gonna make this go through your throat." she warns him.

¨Shut up or I'm goin' to let the bears feast on you tonight.¨ he replies harshy, looking away from her the woman's revealing position cuts the rope on her ankle, sending her straight to the ground. She , without a doubt, jabs her dagger in his leg before trying to scurry away from him. Harold screams in agony. ¨You bloody idiot!¨ The woman trips and stumbles to the ground because of the heavy rain. ¨Let go of me!" the feisty woman screams as she is strangled by the now furious and badly injured Harold. He ties her hands behind and lifts her up and carries him in his shoulder. The sky lights up as the rain became stronger.  "We can't go on like this." he thinks to himself.  It was certain because they'd either get eaten by the bears or get completely lost in these woods.

- - - - - - - -

"I'm cold." The lunatic of a woman says, her arms wrapped around her knees as she quivered in the shelter Harold had found in the middle of the roaring, stormy night. He coldly looks at her. After all the menace this woman had caused him, she still had the guts to complain.  " You wouldn't be if you weren't such a crybaby love." Harry unconsciously blurts out in his natural accent. He wasn't really from around in all honestly. He was a only but a dinky little one when he first step foot in the land of the free with his father. But he always hid his accent in fear of hearing his father's voice when he spoke. The woman's eyes suddenly light up at the sound of his accent.  "You're not from here!" "I am." "But you pronounce things weird! You're one of those people my daddy has met with! What do they call people like you again...." 

"Oh. You're an English man aren't you?" 
She asks, eyes wide open. He wanted her to shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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