Author's Note

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Hello everybody! Before y'all start off, I just want to clarify a few things about this book! I do believe , that this is one the stories I am most proud of since I know it has one of those plots that haven't really been used much.

Before anything else, I would just like to clarify that this book is a work of fiction. Which means, none of these things are real neither are the characters (sad I know. I always wanted my own fallen angel, or edward but guess what happened to that) If you notice any similarities to real life-events ,they may or may not be inspired by them. But I want to be honest with you guys and let you know that this book was inspired of everything! To the music I listen to, to the books and poetry I read (hence quote of this book!), and to the films I watch. Another thing I want to highlight is that the time frame of this book takes place in mid 1930s to early 1940s! Which explains the use of words and the unusual vulgarity of the characters the story. I love everything vintage (not in like an ultra hipster way, not that there's anything wrong with being ultra hipster. it just ain't me haha.) And lastly, Im from nyc so this place will hold all the important events in the story. The whole story takes place in new york, if you will. I guess that's all I need for you guys to keep in mind of! I hope you guys enjoy this story because I know I love writing it so again, I hope you like it!

All the love as always x


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