Yeah, I Guess Being Cleithrophobic Isn't All That Good

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It was after school, and I was already fed up with it. I didn't really like school, but yet I enjoyed it. Confusing, I'm aware. But nonetheless, it happened, and I wasn't sure how to feel about it. I enjoyed the friends, and my classes weren't always half-bad, but that wasn't to say I didn't hate the people there. I was at my locker, getting my stuff and putting it into my bag. I didn't carry much around except for a bunch of books and notebooks, but I've been doing that since fifth grade. I was crouching down to get a textbook from the bottom of my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey," Christopher said, standing back up and leaning against a locker beside mine.

"The answer is no."

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"Of course I do. I can see the future, and you, will, die." I said, acting as if I was actually being serious before I burst out laughing.

"Oh great magician, how could you know that! That's impossible!"

"Oh my youngin, I can't tell you my secrets, but know, it will come."

"Oh my lady, I'm so sorry for asking."

"Thank you, and you're still not getting a ride."

"Why not?"

"Because we're going to Saint Sundae for the first day of school."

"Dad said he wanted us home."

"No, Dad said he wanted you home, so you don't go out doing drugs again. Nice try."

"You're so unfair."

"There's always tomorrow."

"Well how the hell am I supposed to get home?"

"Why don't you ask Lincoln?"

"Do you want me to die?"

"Well there's no water around Springs, so I couldn't see how."


"You can't fool me, brother."

"Fine, I'll see you at home."

"Hey look, there's Lincoln!" I said, waving him over. He came and stood in front of us as I shut my locker, smiling at us.

"Hello, M'lady." He said, bowing towards me and scoffing at my brother jokingly.

"Would you mind giving my brother here a ride?"

"Of course I could, but might I ask why you are not?"

"Because we're going to Saint Sundae, which you're invited to of course."

"I'm honoured, but I can not."

"Alright, well you will be missed, good sir. Keep my brother safe."

"You have my word." And with that, they walked away. I waved at Christopher and smiled at him innocently, chuckling to myself.

"What's so funny?" Julian asked from behind me, Tiarna by her side.

"I just got Lincoln to drive Chris home, since I'm driving most of us to ice cream."

"Oh, well, alright. Shall we get going?"

"We should, Zama and Dakota should be waiting for us by my car. So I don't think we'll have to wait long for them."

"Alright, well, lets get going." Tiarna said, leading the way. We laughed, following her.

Outside was nice, clouds at cleared and the sky was a bright blue. The sun was shining down, beating on our skin with heat. I had to take off my cover-up so I was in just my tank top. The parking lot was crowded, so trying to get through was a bit rough. With students trying to get passed each other to their cars and friends just made it all that much hotter.

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