6. Thief

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Banner: Picture of Jack.


I though this was nothing but if it weren't for him who knows what would've happened. Now I feel so bad. For a moment I though he was kidnapping me when he was only trying to help.

I turn and find a guy. Jack, finally. He has a brown hair with some blond streaks. His skin is tanned and his deep brown eyes are looking at me.

He's gorgeous. Wait. What?

"Uh, thanks Jack," I say.

"You're welcome," he smiles, "Bye Colette, and thank you."

We say our goodbyes and leave the hospital without saying any other word. We are on our way to the bike when he stops.

"Where do I have to take you?" he asks.

"Home. Brooke street, number 11." Big lie, that's two or three streets away from my house but I don't trust this guy.

We put our helmets on and leave. This time I really can't help it. I wrap my hands around his waist.

You can't help it because you think he's cute.

What? No! It's just that I don't want to die. Haven't you heard what I said? I don't trust him.

Suddenly we stop, I open my eyes (don't ask me why but I close them when I'm on a motorcycle) and get off the bike. I take away the helmet.

"Well Laus, guess this is a goodbye." Jack says with his helmet on.

"Yes." I say. I don't know if I want him to leave, I didn't apologize and if I don't, I'm going to feel bad for weeks. He's about to leave but I stop him.

"Wait. Jack, I..." He looks at me from the inside of his helmet, "I'm sorry. You were right and I didn't listen. Sorry for thinking what you said was stupid and thank you. Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, who knows how would I be now."

He keeps staring at me. Hello? Is he going to say something? He leans the bike on the floor.

"Don't worry." He stops and adds, "Do you want me to take you to your real home or...?" What? How did he know this wasn't my real house?

"Uhm... How did you—?" I look behind and find an abandoned factory. Oops, "Oh man, sorry about that, it's just... I don't really know you!"

He looks amused, "Hey, you don't have to worry. Tell me where do you really live. I'll give you a ride," He gives me the white helmet I've been wearing and I tell him the real name of the street, "Do I look like a psychic-killer or something?"

"Nah... well maybe a little bit?"

We both laugh and leave the abandoned factory. When we arrive to my real home, I give him the helmet and thank him for everything.

"— and sorry again for what happened before," I say.

He smiles, "No biggie. What you did was smart, but next time you will have to invent another direction." He says winking and eye.

An unusual summerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora