Chapter 4 - Attack

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I couldn't sleep.

I kept seeing them swarm the island, killing wildlife and burning the trees. Then they'd swarm my cave, shooting me with their guns, making me fall to my knees. They'd surround me, strapping my arms to my torso and my legs together. My flamen would swarm up around me, but it would diminish quickly because of the pain. They'd haul me out and to the shore, then onto a boat, but I'd soon fall unconscious, feeling like I was dying.

I sit up quickly, my breath ragged. I was covered in a cold sweat from head to toe, and my hearts beat hard against my chest. I rub each eye, trying to get the remnants of the nightmare from my head. It always seems so real.

It won't happen. It can't.

I sigh and get to my feet. Mali croaks from her spot on the end of my bed, complaining of my movement. I give her a look, and she turns her head away in exasperation.

I walk out into the cool night. Stars glint in the dark sky. The moon was almost full, illuminating the forest below. Nocturnal animals scurry in the bush and swoop in the sky and splash in the ocean and rivers. The cold air pricks at my wet skin, making me shiver. I rub my arms, silent, watching the sky. Wispy clouds float in the air. Dew had settled on the plant life.

But the island of Jelimun was still lit up with life. I could see a jet coming from it, most likely heading to Dramitt.

But, what were the lights behind it? And next to it?

I scramble back into my cave, hearts racing. Surely they're not coming to my island? They can't!

Mali lifts her head in surprise and meows. 'What happened?' I shake my head and pull vines across the cave entrance, hiding it from anyone who could be looking for it. I turn to Mali, who is now sitting on the edge of my bed, ears perked. She met my gaze. Her blue eyes were bright and sharp, ready for what was coming. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. This shouldn't be happening.

I pace the cave, hopelessly listening to the whirring of engines getting closer and closer. My hands were sweating and adrenaline was pumping through my veins.

No, no, no, no!

A blast shakes the cave. I fall to my knees ad covered my ears. I run my shaking hands through my hair, getting them caught in the tangles. There was nothing I could do. I might die today. The thought of that got me to my feet. If I was going to die, I wanted to go out fighting.

The cave shakes again and gravel rains from the ceiling. I could hear shouts through the walls. They were getting closer and closer.

Of course they know where the cave is! I shut my eyes, feeling a headache creep into my skull.

They'd already been to the cave, almost six years ago, when they took them. Tears were forming in my eyes. They had come back for me. They weren't finished.

Mali rushes to my feet, meowing. I stroke her fur, relishing the few last moments we'd have together.

"Mali, when they get here, you need to run," I tell her. She shakes her head.

I'm not leaving you.

I smile down at her, and she smiles back.

My parents had brought Mali with them from Jelimun, all those years ago, and yet she still stood by my side. There couldn't be a more loyal pet on Nadyre.

More explosions rumble from outside. I rush around, grabbing my only weapon. A sharp knife. I wasn't ready, but they wouldn't take me alive.

The cave entrance rips open. Five Nadic shoulders rush in, weapons pointed at my chest. My flamen rises up my arms, engulfing my knife as well. I smile at them calmly, even though my whole body shook with panic.

"I think you're in the wrong place, soldiers." They all take a step towards me. I stand still, not wanting to give them the pleasure of seeing me scared. I was about to speak again when one of them holsters their weapon and takes off their helmet.

They, no, she, sweeps her hair over her shoulder, clipping the helmet to her belt.

"We meet again, Link."

Her voice is smooth and calm. She radiates a sense of authority and pride. I stand there, waiting for her to make a move. She doesn't.

"You probably don't know who I am, do you?" she asks me. Her brown eyes bare into mine, seeing right through my calm posture. "I am general Tess McCailey, leader of Squadron Alpha." What is Squadron Alpha? "We have come to take you back to your parents, Elora and Augustine Taminworth. Wouldn't you like that, sweetie?" My breath catches in my throat. My parents? I thought I'd never see them again. I miss them so much.

No, this is a joke. They don't have my parents. I will never see them again.

But what if Tess is telling the truth?

I hesitate but quickly pick back up my defensive stance. But Tess notices my hesitation. A cruel smile spreads across her face. She looks me straight in the eyes and says, "Get him."

The soldiers rush at my. Two stay back, their guns at the ready. I jump away from the three trying to grab me. One of the two that stayed back shoots at me. The bullet passes an inch from my head. I run around them, way more agile than the soldiers in their bulky armor. They try to grab me, but I slip easily from their grip.

I almost fall off the edge of the cliff once I get outside. The forest was ablaze with orange and red fire. Smoke fills the air, making it difficult to breathe. And, worst of all, Nadic soldiers surround the cave and stand throughout the forest, all the way to the beach. I jump down the rocky cliff face, staying as discrete as possible. Shouts echo from above me as the general sends her troops after me. Gunfire ricochet off the gravel around me. I lose my grip and fall to the forest floor. Groaning, I push myself to my feet and start running through the brush, jumping over fallen trees and avoiding the flames.

Why would they burn the forest down?!

The Nadic were monsters. All of them. They wanted to kill me, even though none of this was my fault. None of it! My parents started all of this. If they would've stayed on Jelimun, none of this would've happened!! Why can't they just-

Through the roar of the flame, there is a silence. It settles over me like a blanket. I stop, caught off guard. There was no gunfire, no yelling, no explosions, no crackling flame. Just the sound of my hearts pumping. It was if the island was giving me a moment of piece, because it knew I'd never get one again.

But just like that, it was over. Yet another explosion rocks the earth, knocking me off my feet. Footsteps pound through the dirt, along with shouts echoing through the now hot air.

I couldn't get up fast enough.

They were on me, strapping my legs and arms together, then taking the pendent from around my neck. I try to yell, but a hand clamps down on my mouth. I had lost the source of my power. I was helpless against the enemy.

Someone leans in next to me as a needle pokes the skin in my neck. As the contents were emptied into my bloodstream, and icy numbness spreads through my veins. The person leans in closer, their breath stirring the hairs on my neck.

"There's nothing you can do, now. You lost, you monster."

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