Chapter 13 - Breaking Down

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We can hear their shouts behind us as they shake off their surprise, but we luckily have enough of a head start. My mind is racing, and I can't think of anything. I can only focus on escaping.

I didn't feel cold anymore. Somehow I know that I can't do the again for a while.

Sal is gasping for air, slowing down. He couldn't last much longer, and neither could I. But Quinn and her nadic soldiers were gaining fast, so we couldn't stop. We an never stop.

"Link!" Sal gasps, slowing even more, "I can't do this anymore." 

I grab his arm and pull him, trying to keep the pace up. Glancing over my shoulder, I see the soldiers, only a few strides behind us, slowing with us. Quinn is nowhere to be seen.

Immediately, alarms go off in my head. I hadn't heard her split off and go a different direction, but this is her natural home. As a fire nadic, she grew up on Dramitt, and I'm sure she knows every little nook and cranny. 

The soldiers stop as we do, which is odd. They keep the same distance between them and us, not a step closer. Sal drops into the sand, and I crouch over him, waiting. Still, I can't see Quinn, which is causing my hearts to race. We are the prey, and she is the silent predator.

"We are going to die," Sal mutters, shaking slightly. I set my hand on his shoulder, which is dirty and scratched. Neither of us are doing good, both covered in cuts, bruises and dried blood. We are no match against three trained nadic soldiers. 

"We aren't going to die," I reassure quietly. "We've gotten away plenty of times. We can do it again."

Sale shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Link. We both know this is the end."

In the back of my mind, I know he's right, but I can't accept it. I have to keep going.

For my parents.

"What are you waiting for?" I yell at the soldiers. They stand, silently, their weapons pointed at us. "Come on!" I almost scream. I'm desperate, and I hate being helpless. I can't do anything.

One of the soldiers directly in front of us smiles, and just then I feel a warm hand wrap around my neck.

"I've gotcha now, you little roach."

Quinn's body is radiating heat, and I can feel it burning my flesh. Not again.

"Don't you guys have any other tricks?" I taunt, but my voice cracks and rubs. I'm not intimidating at all.

"Yeah, I can't wait to show you them," she mutters in my ear, then cracks her weapon against my head. I fall, just barely conscious, and I'm able to hear Sal being dragged away, most likely unconscious.

Not like thjs.

Not like this.

Not like this.

"Not like this," I mutter, forcing myself up, shaking my head. The world is swaying, but I'm up.

With my last bit of energy, I let my flamen circle up above me. Everything turns blue.

Quinn and her soldiers yell and back away, cringing at the cold. I smile, just a little, and close my eyes, but I can't keep this going.

Everything goes quiet, and I hear what sounds like the rush of water, and the crack of ice. In the desert?

As I collapse into the sand, the last thing I hear are bangs and screams.

I come to, but don't move.  I'm sore and very tired.

Around me, the air is warm, but not like the uncomfortable heat of the desert. A breeze whispers over me, bringing the smell of grass and sun. Something crackles, and there is a shuffling noise around me. I even start to hope everything I just experienced was a very weird, very vivid dream.

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