Chapter 7 - Alone Together

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Warning! Slight gore/violence!

I hit the ground with my left leg first.

Bad idea.

I feel the bones in my ankle snap, then my knee hits the ground, exploding in pain. I put my arms out and roll onto them. My back hits the ground hard, my shoulders following. Everything hurts, my stomach is on fire, and my left leg is numb.

My vision darkens and I close my eyes, trying not to vomit. I hear footsteps click towards me, and snickering from Kyri. Warm hands grab my arms and haul me up. I groan, my chest and back screaming in pain. Kyri stands to the side, a stupid, maniacal grin spread on his face.

Sal drags me towards the door, and Kyri follows us, his arms crossed. Now that I can see him up close and without the blur in my vision from the adreneline, I notice multiple cuts on his face and exposed arms, along with the beginning of several bruises. I smile slightly, knowing very well that I had caused them.

The creaking of the door echoes through the room. I try to twist around, trying to ignore the pain shooting through my body. Sal tightens his grip on me, dragging me through the doors and into the hall. The lights were dimmed, bathing us in a eerie red hue. The building was silent, the only sound made by Sal and Kyri. My feet drag along the smooth floor, sending pain up my legs. I groan quietly, trying to twist myself into a more comfortable position.

"Stop moving," Kyri growls, kicking my shin. I flinch, slightly pulling in my legs. Sal adjusts his grip, pulling me up so that his arms were wrapped around my chest. My arms sit limp on my chest, resting on Sal's. Kyri struts next to us, typing something on the band around his wrist. It beeps and he sighs, glancing at Sal.

"What'd he say?" Sal grunts, meeting Kyri's gaze.

"'Bring him to the Room'. Why would we bring him there?"


Sal had stopped walking, staring at Kyri. "You're joking," he says, his voice low. Kyri looks at him, annoyed.

"Cayson said he has a plan," he explains gruffly. "Now keep going." Sal opens his mouth to say something, but thinks better of it and continues silently.

We pass door after door, all closed. There were no windows lining the walls, and, curiously, no other nadic. This place felt abandoned. The silence was loud and suffocating, wrapping around us like a blanket. Where is everyone?

Something clicks behind me, making me jump. It sounded so much louder than it was, like a gunshot in a large, open room. Kyri steps out of my view, whispering to Sal. Well, he's trying to whisper, yet I hear every word.

"What's the code?" Kyri asks Sal.

"Maybe he doesn't deserve this. He's just a kid-" Kyri cuts him off.

"I said, what is the code," he practically growls.

"Seriously man, I mean it. We should punish the cause, not the result. He hasn't done anything."

The talking stops and Kyri takes a deep breath.

"If you won't do it, fine. But tell me the code."

Sal shakes his head. "No." He lets go of me and I prop myself up against the wall.

Kyri hits the wall with his fist, annoyance radiating off of him like a fever. The tapping of a screen echoes through the quiet corridor as he types a message on his device, followed by a ding and beeping. Another click, and a door slides open, along with a chill that crept up my spine.

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