Chapter 6 - Escape

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My body rams into the door, throwing it open. Kyri and Quinn tumble to the ground, and I leap over them, dashing down the hall. It ends at a door and splits into two other halls. I take the left hall, not knowing where I was going.

Shouts echo from behind me, mostly swearing and orders from Kyri.

I round another corner, watching doors, windows, and various machines flash by me. My chest aches and my throat burns, but I can't stop.

A loud gunshot erupts from behind me, and a window next to me shatters. I dodge the glass shards and run faster, trying to keep ahead of Kyri and Quinn. Their footsteps pound against the metal floor, the surroundings accentuating the sound so much it seemed as if the footsteps were all around me.

I round one last corner, entering a larger room filled with chairs, a desk, different machines, and a few Nadic lazily walking around. They all turn as I stumble to a halt. Kyri and Quinn run into me, pinning me to the ground. Kyri digs his knees into my ribs, all his weight on my torso.

"You couldn't get away, you filthy animal," he half growls, half laughs. Quinn steps down on my hands, just about breaking them.

"Get off!" I yell, pulling my arms to me, trying to free them from Quinn. She smiles coldly at me, not budging.

"How pathetic," she purrs. "At least you tried, I'll give you that." I struggle against them, trying to free myself. Kyri shifts slightly, putting his foot on the ground.


I flip over, throwing Kyri off of me. Quinn trips in surprise, falling to the ground. Kyri swears, scrambling to his feet.

But by the time both of them were up, I was out of the room, sprinting through the halls again.

I turn down hall after hall, trying to find the exit. My legs were starting to burn. But I couldn't stop. Kyri and Quinn were right behind me, yelling at eachother.

"It's your fault he got away!" Quinn yells.

"Well you shouldn't have let him get up!" Kyri retorts. Something crashes behind me. I turn my head around quickly, getting a glance of what happened.

Kyri is slumped against the wall, Quinn standing over him. He gets up quickly and shoves Quinn against the opposite wall. I take the moment to slip into a room to my left.

The room is filled with more machines, but these were showing scenes of forest and water. One of the screens catches my eye as it pans from left to right.

It shows a cliff, with plants and vines growing on it. It is specifically pointed to show a small outcrop.

I stop, my breath catching in my throat. That camera is pointing at my cave. All of these cameras are positioned to show parts of Senapri, my island.

The door opens, and Kyri enters, laughing.

"You've found our surveillance center, I see," he chuckles, putting an arm around my shoulder. "This is how we knew when to attack. I took some of my troops in to that cave in the middle of the night." He looks at me, eyes narrowed. "That's where we found you." I look at him with disgust, moving away from him.

He found me here in this room. That's what he wanted.

Quinn stomps in, fuming. "Oh great, you found him!" she snarls, shoving Kyri into me. I stumble, trying to keep my balance. Kyri rights himself, glaring at his sister.

"At least I found him here where he can't leave!" he spits. I frown. I can leave if I want to. Pushing Kyri to the side, I march up to Quinn. I look up at ger, dwarfed by at least three inches. She smirks.

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