Chapter 1

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A/n: This is a story about a romantic and physical relationship between two girls. If you don't it then kindly leave. Please don't leave hate just because you don't like it. I'm not forcing you to read it.


I stood tall and proud as my father draped the ceremonial bearskin around my shoulders. This was the symbolic "passing of the torch."

It was my eighteenth birthday, and as the only child of the alpha, it was my responsibility to take his place as alpha. I would be the alpha until my oldest son, or child as in my case, would turn eighteen. I was the first female alpha in a long line of male alphas.

The crowd that had gathered before me bowed their heads in respect.

"Aubrey, it is your duty and your responsibility to take care of this pack."

"Yes, father."

"You must find your mate within the next year or your position as alpha will be revoked and given to one of your betas.:

"Yes, father."

He kissed my cheek and took a step back.

I addressed the crowd using my authoritative alpha voice. "I have already chosen my two betas, Cam Wilson and Chloe Matthews. We swear on our lives to defend this pack."

Cam and Chloe walked up the porch steps and stood to my left and right respectfully.

The crowd cheered and clapped as we walked into the alpha house. The alpha house is at the center of our village. It's where the alpha, his, or her, mate, and their children live.

Before the celebratory dinner, I asked to speak to my father in the study. I closed the door behind me.

"Daddy, I'm scared. I'm afraid I won't be able to find my mate. It's been two years, and I still have no mate. How will I know?"

"I can't tell you. Nobody can tell you, Aubrey. It's nearly impossible to explain. It won't be like you see in romance movies. Time won't stand still. You won't slowly run into each other's arms. He or she will smell different. When you're close, you will be able to hear his or her heartbeat. You'll just know."

"It's been two years, though, daddy. I haven't found my mate yet."

"You probably have, and you just didn't realize it. Give it time, Aubrey. You'll find your mate.:

"Okay, daddy."

He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead before opening the study door. We walked out of the study with his arms draped around my shoulders and into the dining room where most of the pack had gathered to celebrate me.

Families brought various dishes for us to eat. This created a fantastic meal.

After we finished eating, I spent some time mingling.

Everyone congratulated me as they walked out the door. I felt proud to be the alpha of that pack.

I stood on the porch and watched the crowd disperse and head back to their homes in our little part of the forest.

As the crowd thinned, the one person I had no desire to see approached.

She gave me an obviously sarcastic slow clap. "Congratulations, madame alpha." She smirked.

"What do you want, Sam?"

"I wanted to come see our big, bad alpha. I am so sorry I missed the ceremony this morning. Oh, wait, no I'm not."

Sam was always my biggest rival because my father defeated her father in the fight to become alpha after their alpha tragically died. This made her father my father's lowly beta.

She was always trying to make me look like an awful person, but she was just a bully the whole time.

"Why are you here if you don't care?"

She climbed the steps to the porch. "You don't deserve to be alpha. You aren't qualified."

I heard my heart pounding in my ears as I retaliated. "The only qualifications to be alpha are to be the child of an alpha and to be a wolf, or defeat your opponent in the fight to become alpha. You're just mad that you only have one of those." I feared that she may attack me for my comment. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Samantha Hayden." I turned my back to her and started for the door.

"How dare you! I'm not finished with you!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her.

That's the moment when everything changed.

I inhaled deeply through my nose. I smelled something unfamiliar yet intoxicating.

I realized that the heartbeat I was hearing wasn't my own. I turned to Sam. Her eyes met mine in acknowledgment.

No...No! There was no way!

I didn't understand. Why would fate do this to me?

I snatched my arm back.

There was nothing I could do. She was my mate.

"Ah, crap," I said aloud.

Before she could say anything, I ran inside and up to my room. I curled into a ball on my bed and silently cried.

There was no way she could be my mate. We hated each other.

After a few hours of crying off and on silently, I slowly drifted into darkness.

First Female Alpha (GirlxGirl) (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now