Chapter Five: Hope For The Best

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Celia P.O.V

It was the weekend. After a crazy week, with lots of work, both at school and at my job, as well as Joey talking to me, I took a break from work a moment (hoping Joey would also speak to his uncle now that he spoke to me), and to chill out, like any teenager would. That's why I came in this part of America in the first place, right?

To be normal?

Holly invited me over to tell me 'something super important'. I knocked on Holly's door. The door opened, and Holly's father was on the other side.

"Oh... hello, Mr. Campbell."

"Hello, Cecelia."

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"How are you feeling?", I asked.

"Oh... I'm better now. Better than the state you saw me in, last time."

I smiled: "I'm glad, though."

"Look... I got a bad first impression, and I'm sorry. Holly probably hates me for that."

"It's alright."

"Don't stay outside, come on in."

I entered the house, and he closed the door.

"She's waiting for you in the backyard. Do you want anything to drink, to eat?"

"Oh no, I'm all good. Thank you, Mr. Campbell."

"I insist, call me Kenny."

"Alright, Kenny."

"Oh, and a last thing, Cecelia..."

"Call me Celia.", I smiled.

He smiled too: "Alright, Celia. I wanted to... thank you. For being here for my daughter. She may have told you, but... we lost her mother, last year."

"She told me. I'm so sorry for your loss.", I sympathized with him.

"Thank you. Well, Holly has never been really a social person, and... I'm glad she made a friend like you--"

"Celia! You're coming, or what?"

I turned to see Holly waiting for me by the patio door.

"Oh yeah..."

"Go ahead. Have some fun, girls.", Kenny said.

I got outside, with Holly.

"So... what did you want to tell me?"

She looked at me with a smile: "You know Summer Williams?" 

"The nice cheerleader who always tells us hi when she walks by us?"

"Yeah... she broke her leg!", Holly said almost too enthusiastically.

"My god, what good news!", I said with a sarcastic intensity. "Why would you be happy about that?!"

She chuckled: "You don't understand! The cheerleading team is making auditions at school to replace her! And they might take other girls in the team as well!"

"Oooookay, and what does it have to do with us?"

She smiled: "I want to try out for the team."

"Okay, good!"

"... and, I'd like you to... try it out with me?"

"Um... I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Because... cheerleader? Me? No, something doesn't fit."

"Okay, you don't have to do it, but I want to."

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