Chapter 12:The Hangover (Part2)

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Surprise!!! So... This chapter is going to be "A Love Scene"❤️ not a lemon! (Probably) I'm sorry I'm just very bad at lemons! I need help!! Lol anyways enjoy!!
I take my last sip on my wine, while feeling kinda dizzy and drunk.
I get up from Ratchet, off his lap but he grabs my hand.
I look down at my shirt, my bra is being revealed a little but I'm not scared of Ratchet, I feel confident with him. He makes me feel strong as iron, stuff as nails. Ratchet looks at me with his drunk eyes.
"(Y/N)... I have to tell you something..." Ratchet says.
"What is it?" I say.
"(Y/N)...- I-.... I Love you" Ratchet says.
"What? Really.... No way..?" I say drunk. I stay paused for a moment.
"Yes... I love you..... and I started to feel feelings for you. I saw how much you changed from the first time I saw you with my own eyes" Ratchet says confident. Wow we're drunk but we feel a little normal.
"I-..... I don't know what to say" I say.
"If you don't feel the same I understand" Ratchet says looking down.
I lean closer to him, I sit on his lap wrapping him around his back with my legs and my hands on the back of his neck.
He looks surprised, on how I'm positioned.
"Ratchet.... I love you.." I say letting everything out.
I look deep in to his green eyes that I can almost see how beautiful they are.

Did (Y/N) say that she loves me. I stay there frozen and I start to lean closer to her.
But dam her blue hazel eyes is just everything that makes her beautiful, a female lombax.
My tail pushes her closer to me. And I want to kiss her, I always wanted the guy to kiss the girl not the girl kisses the guy.
Our noses are touching and I lean just a little closer and that's the right time to kiss her.
I kiss her passionately first, it takes time for her to kiss back until she starts to kiss back. I then start to kiss her roughly bringing her down a little while a grab her back. I bring her back up to the same hight.

I kiss Ratchet will all my strength, that he starts to kiss roughly now.
His hands are on my waist, I grab his hands while I'm kissing him, and I move them to my butt.
I feel how surprised he was at first but then he squeezes. I laugh a little in the kiss.
I pull away a little and he seems confused at first but then I talk.
"Let's take this somewhere else" I say drunk.
"I like that..." Ratchet says drunk also.
We go to Ratchet's room it's a medium bed that can fit just right for the both of us.
I turn to face Ratchet and he stares right back me.
"So... How do we do this...?" Ratchet says.
"Well it starts like this" I lead him towards my shirt. "You unbutton it"
I say. Ratchet then starts to unbutton my shirt while looking at me. I kiss him so he won't feel uncomfortable.
He seems to enjoy the kiss much better.
He then takes my shirt off and throws it somewhere. He then bends his knees and Go's to my stomach and kisses it while whispering.
"Beautiful..." He says against my stomach. I laugh a little.
He then carries me towards the bed and throws me in the bed.
He gets on top of me and starts to kiss my neck softly which I like much better than roughly like Eric did.
I then start to feel bad again because of Eric. It makes me feel scared, I then kiss Ratchet so it could forget.
I then start to remove his shirt, revealing his bare skin. I touch his stomach softly, he smiles a little and all I want is to do is me and Ratchet to be as close as possible.
I start to remove his pants when he stops me.
"Wait (Y/N)..." He says breathing heavily against my lips. "I-... I never done this before"
"Ratchet don't worry this will be fun. Don't you love me?" I say.
"Of course I do" Ratchet says giving me a peck on the lips. "Then this is what loves does" I say smiling.
Ratchet smiles at me and I continue on removing his pants.

I feel nervous and excited all at the same time.
(Y/N) is starting to remove my pants and she throws it.
I then start to get closer when she starts backing up the bed.
I then remove her shorty shorts with my teeth. She moans a little. Then I start to feel a boner. Oh no not again, it seems to poke (Y/N) that she notices.
"What was that?" She says.
"Wait a minute do you have a boner?" She says.
"Yes..." I sigh.
"Well now you'll know what it means" she says smirking.
She leaves the bed and Go's to her shorts and takes out something.
"Here put this on" she says drunk.
"What's this?" I say.
"Just put it on" she says.
"But where?" I say.
"In your Dick" she says surprised, probably cause I don't know what this is. Then I remember, a condom. I put it on.
Then (Y/N) gets in the bed again, this time she's on top of me.
I look at her and dam she's even beautiful without clothes.
She then puts her arms back and starts to take off her bra I guess. Once she take it off, she hides her boobs in my chest afraid I guess.
I then decide to get on top of her, she lays free handed and I look at her and my eyes widen when I look how a female lombax boobs look like.
Same as the human body, just smaller I guess and their body thinner.
I grab (Y/N) by her hips and I start to Kiss her roughly again and this time I put my tongue in her mouth. I explore her mouth and same with her exploring my mouth.
I'm sorry should I do the lemon🍋
Fuck it I'm doing but I swear I'm bad it lemons!

I then remove my panties under the sheets. Ratchets does the same.
"Okay... So how do we do this?" Ratchet asks drunk.
"Well you enter your thingy in my pussy" I say drunk.
"Okay so like this" Ratchet says.
I look down and see how out of place he is.
"Okay... No" I say. "Here let me help you" I then grab his hand and I help him out.
"Okay so you move this" I say.
He then starts to push, at first he was going slow but then fast.
"Am I doing this right (Y/N)?" Ratchet says.
"Yes! Yes you are" I say holding my moans.
Ratchet grabs me by my hips and starts to push. Then I couldn't hold it in and I moan.
Ratchet hears me and then I turn my head so he won't see me blush.
I then hear him moan. I look at him and we both laugh.
Ratchet continues to push in and out.
"Are we done?" Ratchet says.
"God you really need to stop asking questions" I say "So just enjoy my body and yours"
I turn my body around so my butt will face Ratchet. I turn my head a little to see if Ratchet knows what he's doing.
He just looks at my butt.

I then enter (Y/N), she seems to wince a little but I ignore it and continue. After that she starts to moan, same with me.
I grab her waist to steady myself, now I know what I'm Supposed to do.
I push in and out we're supposed to enjoy ourselves, enjoy our body's.
My boner starts to come back again and I remember what (Y/N) said about it. I think now I know what it means.
I push towards (Y/N) I moan a little which I kinda makes me feel good. I tell (Y/N) if she's doing fine. I wipe the sweat of my head. (Y/N) turns around so we can face each other. She puts her hands in my head and she starts to remove my beanie off. I never taken it off before, not even in front of Clank.
She throws it somewhere, and my gloves. Now I feel really nude, I swear.

Dam Ratchet looks even hotter than before. All want is to make out with him super hard. (Lol).
I grab the back of his neck and I kiss him, I kiss him while finger Go's through his fur. Ratchet does the same, he kisses me hard that if hurts me a little. But I ignore, all I want him to do is fuck me.
We then fall asleep with the moonlight going through me and Ratchet. I sleep on his bare chest and he sleeps with his hands around me.
(Remember People their drunk)

OMG!!!!! 🙈 Jk I wrote a lemon. Guys I really don't like writing lemons! Idk why, I think it's because I'm really bad At it? Idk.
Anyways tell me in the comments below if I did good or not. Also comment for more ideas plz🙏.As always Stay Tuned!!!!

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