Chapter 14: The Hot Conversation

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I make it to the Hall of Heroes, without paying the taxi driver.
The first person I go to is E, E is the only person I can trust.
I go to her lab and I knock real quickly.
"E! E!" I yell on her door.
"(Y/N)? What happened to you yesterday?!" E says. "And what's going on?"
"E I need to talk to you" I say.
She leads me inside the lab.
"What happened (Y/N)?" E says sitting down in a chair and I sit on the experiment table facing E.
"E.... E me and Ratchet- had a hangover..." I say.
"You guys were drunk...! Unbelievable you guys are young!" E says worried.
"E it's not just that!" I say looking down.
"What else?"
"E we-.... We..... Did it" I say letting a tear out.
"What?! You mean you and Ratchet fucked" E say.
I nod.
"I-... I... Don't know what to say... But I'm very disappointed on both of you!" E says.
"I know but we were drunk! We weren't thinking" I say grabbing my head.

Me and Clank walk towards the front of the Hall of Heroes.
Clank just told me where (Y/N) was at. He said she was with E and I'm so impatient. I need answers that I almost feel mad but worried, the most.
As I was heading to the lab the secretary of E was in front.
"Excuse me young Man but you can't go in the lab at this moment" the Lady says.
"Tell her that I'm urgent" I say. She turns towards her screen and turns in on.
I then go running in the lab, while hearing the lady come after me.
I open the door while Clank is behind me. It reveals (Y/N) with E.
"(Y/N)! We need to talk" I say while E's secretary is behind me.
"Leave him here" E tells her secretary.
Her secretary leaves back while closing the door behind her.
"Oh yes you too need to talk!" E says.
"But E...." (Y/N) says whispering to her.
"Nop talk it out!" E says. "I mean two 18 year olds having sex. Huh"
"But E we were drunk!" (Y/N) says.
"We didn't know what was going on?" Me and (Y/N) talk at the same time.
"Wait Ratchet did you used a condom?" E says.
"Yes but then it ripped" I say "I probably did it too.... Hard" I say scratching my neck awkwardly.
"Oh god please don't say it like that" (Y/N) says putting a hand in her mouth like if she's going to puke.
"No! Stop you two now we're going to the Hospital Now!" E says. "Come on let's go"
"For what?!" I say.
"To see if you guys are okay?" E says.

We make it to the hospital and the first thing that happens is that E take us to her lab in the Hospital. Yeah I know she has a lot of labs everywhere.
"Alright you two stay here..." E says.
Well great E leaves me and Ratchet by ourselves.
I look around the room everything is White Windows that you can almost see through.
I sit at the table and I lay there. While Ratchet is sitting down.
We're quite for a moment when Ratchet breaks it.
"(Y/N) what really happened? Why don't you want us to see each other anymore?" Ratchet says.
I gasp a little and I get up.
"You know why?!" I say yelling.
"Yeah I want to know why!" Ratchet says yelling at me while getting up from the chair and coming towards me.
"Cause I love you!" I say. Then I realize what I said. Ratchet eyes widen.
Ratchet looks at me.
"I thought you hated me?" Ratchet says.
"I do hate you!" I say nervously.
"Oh yeah prove it" Ratchet says getting closer to me than before.
"I regret sleeping with you!" I say pointing at him while my finger is on his chest.
"Oh really well I don't" Ratchet says.
"How dare you say that! It was your first time. And your first time was just a hangover instead of sleeping with someone you love!" I say letting everything out.
"Well that's why I don't regret it" Ratchet says.
I narrow my eyes at him.
"I hate you" I say.
"Oh yeah you do"Ratchet says acting surprised.
"Yeah" I say acting confident.
But then Ratchet starts kissing me roughly. I try to pull away as much as possible but he's too strong. My mind is telling me to stop, and my heart is loving it telling me to kiss back. But then I start to like it, I start to kiss Ratchet back roughly as he did to, wanting him too. Ratchet starts something new, It Go's from my mouth to my neck. He kisses my neck roughly which scares me a little because of Eric, but Ratchet dosen't scare me. Then I kiss his soft lips again wanting him.
I put my arms around is neck, and he puts his hands around me pulling me closer to him.
We pull away breathing heavily.
"(Y/N) I love you" Ratchet says looking deep into my eyes.
"I-" I then get stopped by E coming in. Me and Ratchet quickly pull away and separate.
"Well now this is Dr.-" I interrupt E.
"Doc!" I say.
"You know each other?" E says.
"Yeah! He was the one who helped me with my leg" I say.
"Ha well nice to me you again (Y/N)" Doc says.
"Great just that I was cut in the same spot by a problem" I say.
"Well now let's just check your blood to see if you guys are okay" E says.
E take me to a room and Doc and Ratchet stay in the spot where we were. I look over at him while he stairs back at me.
"Alright (Y/N) let's check those bones and weight" E says.

Doc already checked me to see if I'm okay with my bones and weight. And I already have on a hospital robe. Clank sits besides me.
"Okay Ratchet don't feel uncomfortable about this but I need to check your penis" Doc says.
"What?! Why?" I say feeling uncomfortable already.
"Ratchet I'm Doing this for your own good" Doc says.
"Okay..." I say taking a deep breath.
Doc then checks it out and nods.
"How old did you said u were? Like 17 or 18?"
"18" I correct him.
"Oh well this isn't good" Doc says rubbing his chin "How many times of you done it?"
"Only once" I say nervously.
"So (Y/N) was the only partner you slept with?" Doc says.
"Yes" I say.
"Well good thing you don't have that many partners in this age cause if you do you could get HIV" Doc says.
"Can I still get HIV if I sleep with the same person"
"No you cannot but if it's a different person then yes you can get HIV"
I just sigh in relief.
"Okay now I need you to leave your arm in a 140' degree angle"
I do as he told me and he then sticks a needle in my arm and takes my blood from the needle with 2 small tubes.
Once he's done he takes the tubes and puts them in this telescope. E then comes in with (Y/N) besides her and E puts her blood with mine to combine them, and test them.
"Alright now we wait about 1 day for the results" E says.
Me and (Y/N) nod.
Doc gives me back my clothes and I change in the bathroom real quick. Once I'm out E talks.
"Now come on we have a meeting right now with the rest of the Galactic Rangers" E says.
We walk out the room while me, Clank and (Y/N) walk behind E.

Sup now plz🙏 comment I need ideas people!!!! and vote!!!! As always Stay Tuned!!!

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