chapter one

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While leaving the tent I press my hand to the open wound on my neck. Two puncture marks now leaking blood will soon join my collection of scars. You see dear reader, I am a prostitute. Not just any prostitute, sharing my body as well as the blood that pumps through my veins.

But you wouldn't know that unless you knew what brought us here.

Many years ago humans were dumb enough to go to war with one another. Except this time, we almost wiped ourselves out. With less than a million mere humans left, the supernatural exposed themselves. Vamps, wolves, and fallen angels. You name it, it came crawling out of the cut.

After my ancestors were taken over a hierarchy was put into place. Vamps became the ruling party, putting a royal family into place. Fallen angels, decided to hide themselves preferring to live seperately. Half vampire and human children, known as fledglings, were under them. Having an extended life span and a vampire parent somehow made them better than their human counterparts. Werewolves were after that, being that they were still supernatural. And at the very bottom were people like me, mundanes.

Well somewhat like me. From what I know there's only one other person like me. I'm considered a mixed breed if you will. My mother was human and my father a fallen angel. Although I'm still considered at the bottom, I'm different. One of the madame's favorites next to her prized fledglings.

Dealing with devastating treatment of the ruling class humans had to make a life for themselves. So my great grandmother made a prostitution ring. Opened it on fair grounds, whoring out her children and her children's children. It's was quite lucrative, especially with vampires being her biggest customers. They'd pay big bucks to screw and drink blood from a pretty girl. Even buy one, who knew what happened to them after they left the camp.

I counted the money in my hands and stuffed it in my bra.

"Aren't you going to give that to madame?" My cousin asked raising an eyebrow.

She waited outside of the tent we shared as a room. Cousin was an understatement. Many of the girls here were related due to the high volume of pregnancy.

Talia followed me into the tent when I didn't answer her.

"Madame doesn't need to know everything." I smirked in her direction as I hid the money under my mattress.

She shook her head.

"Where exactly would you spend it? We're not allowed to leave camp grounds." She reminded me.

This place was our prison. We were conceived and raised here and this is where we'll die.

I threw myself onto my bed and Talia threw herself down next to me.

Our long manes mingled together. My kinky long fro and her wavy red tresses showed us how we were two polar opposites.

I'm black, a rich dark brown with big eyes and full lips. My frame curvy and fit. Talia on the other hand was petite and tall. Her skin tanned from from running around the camp in the sun.

"I wish we could, ya know? Just me, you and Alec. We could live differently." I mused.

Talia snorted. "And what would happen to everyone else? What would we do? The world out there doesn't want us."

I already knew the truth in her words.

"You mean the world doesn't want me? Since I'm just a human." I sit up and look down at her.

"Oh come on! You think those vamps want some fledgling walking around? If they could they'd stuff all of their illegitimate kids in a place like this. My dad was just real enough to do it." She joked while rolling on to her stomach.

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