chapter 3

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My heart was pounding in my chest. I could practically hear it's rhythm in my ears. I gripped the seat of the limo in fear. The woman who just brought us sat in front of us now. She didn't look up at us as she tapped away on her phone and sipped champagne.

Talia on the other hand drank in the outside surroundings as we drove up the mountain side.

"My name is Ariel. I'm the king's advisor. I noticed on your documents that you're Talia and you're Jothi." She nodded to each of us as she mentioned our names.

Neither of us spoke back.

"The king, our beloved Christopher, is turning 80 soon. And since vampires don't live forever-" I cut her off.

"They don't?!" I ask in confusion.

I could've sworn these parasites lived forever.

"No, we don't. The oldest vampire right now is 367 actually. The older the vampire the more blood they need. There's no way we can take in enough blood to stay alive that long." She laughed at her own inside joke as Talia and I exchanged a worried glance.

Did she plan on feeding us to this old king?

"Well anyways. He has yet to find his mate, but the kingdom needs an heir. He's not gaurenteed forever and we need a son, or daughter, who can take his place when the time comes." She brushed off the top of her prim white skirt as if it held a single flaw.

"So, we're supposed to have children with him?" Talia asked, eyes growing wide.

"Not just that. Or he could have slept with anyone. You're meant to keep him company as well." She sipped her champagne slowly.

"Have kids with the king?"Talia squealed in disbelief.

I wasn't buying it.

"Why not get some higher up vamp lady then?" I ask calling her on her bullshit.

"Vampire women would have been the number one option had they been able to produce children." She explained matter of factly.

"Our royal families run based on our ruler mating with a fledgling or atleast having a child with one." She- Ariel- continued.

"Then why buy two of us?" I ask in snappish way.

"Jothi!" Talia snapped at me.

I closed my mouth and narrowed my eyes at her. This was suspicious and sounded ridiculous.

A huge fairytale castle came into view on my side. Acres of rolling green grass, bountiful gardens and trees surrounded it. It was a stunning view. Talia must've thought so as well since she was squishing me to get a better view.

"Welcome to my, as well as your, new home." Ariel raised her glass as if to toast us.

The moment the limo stopped Talia hopped out to take in her surroundings. Large mountains, never ending gardens, and a fairytale like castle to top it off.

To good to be true.

"It's so lovely!" Talia squealed.

"Lovely?" I snorted. "When did you start using words like that?" I joked but she wasn't in the mood for it.

"Both of you are to report to your rooms for your own makeovers. The room's are in the east wing. Sadly, I have business to attend to so you will have to go alone." Ariel informed us once again showing her phone more attention.

I frowned in disgust.

"You want us to walk around a castle crawling in vamps, not knowing our way around?" I crossed my arms unsure.

Ariel cocked a perfectly arched brow at me.

"You might want to drop the term 'vamps', it's quite offensive. Secondly, other than the royal family and myself everyone else is a fledgling or a human." She scolded, but it didn't make me back down.

I didn't trust Ariel and I probably never would.

"Your stylists will be like family to you. They will be there for every event you attend. Talia your stylist is Javey, Jothi your stylist is Amber." She walked us through the large front doors where the two people she named before awaited us.

Javey, a short man with golden hair against dark skin and dressed oddly. Amber was much more modest and gratefully human. To that I was relieved. She was an Indian woman with black hair that fell in waves and piercing eyes.

I was reluctant to leave Talia, the only person I knew in this place. Yet she went on with Javey as if she knew him her whole life. She didn't even glance back to check on me.


"Why exactly are we dressing up?" I ask getting ansy.

This whole process so far has taken HOURS! I had a sponge bath, mani pedi, a wax, my hair done and now my makeup. This was ridiculous!

"Your meeting the royal family today for dinner. They're very hard to please and I hope you do well." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Who all are exactly in the royal family? I mean I know about Christopher..." I ask as she did the finishing touches.

"His older brother Micheal, he's a real snob." She snorted. "The old man could kill over at any moment. But Chris, he's a handful. Years ago he was better, but after his parents passed..." She cleared her throat and turned me to the mirror.

Ariel gasped at my appearance. I never noticed she entered the room.

I decided to drink in my own appearance. My afro was now sleek and straight, my eyelashes were visibly longer, and my brows noticibly perfect.

I was beautiful.

"She looks amazing Amber, I can always count on you." She gave the woman a hug.

It was shocking to me to see a vamp hug a human. Then again I had sex with them.

"Jothi, the dinner will be held down stairs. I'll meet you there." Ariel informed me.

I nodded and left the room. There was no way I was going straight downstairs. I began exploring the castle.

Who knew when I'd need to make a speedy getaway from here? The sooner I could find exits and learn the ropes here, the quicker I could get out and find Alec.

After walking down long winding halls I was convinced I was lost.

"Maybe I should have dropped bread crumbs." I grumble to myself.

"And dirtied up my home? What are you doing wandering around human?"

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