chapter 5

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My eyes flew open to Ariel leaning over me and petting my hair. A part of me wanted to yank away from her, but another part of me leaned in closer.

"Jothi, now that you're awake I can explain some things to you." She smiled at me.

I groaned and tried to move but my body wouldn't let me.

"You see, you have something Talia doesn't have. You're more interesting, feisty if you will. And that is exactly what I need. You hate vamps right?" She continued smoothing my hair.

My eyes narrowed at her. What did she do to me?

"Well I have a proposition. You make our dear king fall in love with you, and when the time is right you kill him." She giggled as if she told me a joke.

I didn't find it funny.

"Why?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

I knew this was to good to be true.

"The old man is to die soon anyways and Chris is much to incompetent to take the crown. That leaves his sister to take the crown." She explains unfolding her plan to me.

Doesn't she know that villains shouldn't reveal their plans before they kill the victim?

"His sister? What sister, why?" I ask in confusion.

My brain was much to fogged to comprehend.

"Lets just say I owe his little sister and this her best way of revenge. Hmm, I guess your wondering how I can talk so freely with you?" She gives me one of those pearly white smiles.

I nod or atleast I try to.

"Different bites make different bonds between vampires and humans. I gave you an old one- one from old war times. Queens used to use this same bite to their knights. It forces the person bitten into servitude. You have no choice but to do as I say. And I'm telling you, you can never say a word of this to anyone else." Her eyes lock with mine as I try to pull away.

My weak struggles were nothing compared to hers as I tried to free myself.

"It's my venom that's in your veins little pet. Don't forget that." She smirks at me before my world goes dark again.

By the time I wake up I'm once again in my own bed. It would have been easy to dismiss what happened as a dream, if I wasn't still fully clothed.

Everything Ariel told me raced through my head.

Make him fall for me and then kill him. I scoffed at the idea, I was a scapegoat. The moment I did I'd be killed by his guards even if I did succeed.

Who was Christopher's little sister? I've never heard of her nor seen her.

These thoughts whirled around in my head before Talia jumped onto my bed.

"Ah!!" I yell in surprise.

"Jothi this is amazing!" Talia squealed.

"Mhm." I mentally roll my eyes.

"Guess who just spent the night in the king's bed." She wiggled her eyebrows at me as I gagged.

"Oh don't pretend like you aren't jealous." She playfully hit me.

"Trust me I'm not. And If you knew what Ariel had planned-" I felt my throat tightened as if someone was choking me. The next words out of Mt mouth were not my own. "You'd be even more excited! We each get to attend this big social party with him."

The words sounded like my voice but I had no knowledge of what I spoke of.

"Really?! When?" Talia asked in excitement.

Before I could speak Ariel, the devil herself, came into my room.

My anger turned into calm the closer she came to me.

"It'll be this friday. It should be fun." Ariel said giddily.

"" I say sarcastically.



Three days was long enough for things to pass over. Madame was a hateful and vengeful woman. With me out of the way she wouldn't hurt Jothi. All of her anger was with me after all.

By the time I got to the auction, I realized the woman there wasn't looking for someone like me at all. It didn't take long to figure out madame needed me out of the way for something. Once I noticed Jothi's papers thrown carelessly into the trash I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Someone brought my Jothi, and every intent of using her as a meal.

At first I was scared I was going to reach her to late. She looked dead and limp underneath him. I decided that if he could take her life with no regrets, then I'd kill him too. I remember holding on to her and rocking her to scared to check for a pulse.

I shook the thought off.

I didn't come back to the camp to have a walk down memory lane, but to get my girl.

Knowing madame she probably already had guards on the lookout for me. Guards who, just a few days ago, looked at me like a brother. Now I was the enemy.

It was daylight outside and the camp would be mostly asleep. I need not to look suspicious, just in and out like I practiced.

The tent that belonged to Talia and Jothi was to my left almost as soon as I landed.

To easy.

I remained on high alert as soon as I entered the tent.

The whole room was empty besides madame who sat in a chair as if waiting on me. I swore silently to myself.

"Alecsander, so nice to have you back." She chuckled.

I clenched my teeth and stalked towards her.

"Where is she?" I growl ss the old woman laughs.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." She snickers pointing a gun at me.

"You should have known better. Someone paid good money to have her, along with that she stole money from me she was as good as dead to many anyways." She waved the gun carelessly as she spoke.

My heart tightened at her words.

"She's dead Alec, there is no coming to save her this time." She released the safety on the gun as her words finally sunk in.

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