chapter 11

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"I'm trying to keep a happy face but I'm really freaked out here Jothi." Talia whispers with a smile plastered on her face.

We sat Indian style with our backs facing one another. Weird symbols were drawn around us in a circle closing us in. The girls stood around us each holding a candle.

"I'm not faking nothing. Freaking out on the inside and the outside." I respond.

Jewels shushes us.

"This ceremony is sacred. All of our mothers went through it. Soon we will as well." She shares a knowing grin with some of the other girls.

"Focus on your future offspring." Versai began in melodic tone. "Close your eyes and breath deeply."

Playing along Talia and I did as we were told.

"We call on our mothers, to show us our daughters." She continues.

It was wierd. She kept repeating rhe chant and i didn't feel any different. It was the moment I started to not pay attention that I felt a pull and then I felt myself drifting away. It was as if I was being pulled from my body and I wondered if Talia felt it too. I wasn't scared, but oddly calm.

Show us our daughters...

He was laughing and running away from me. A small brown boy with the same curly brown hair and light brown eyes I was fond of.

I try to yell come back but he's too far away. He's running threw a field and I'm chasing him.

His head tosses back to laugh, showing his dimples. I'm scared for him, scared he'll get to far.

I stop running once I feel as if I'm out of breath. The little boy stops running as well and faces me.

"Mommy! Catch me mommy!" He yells laughing looking at something behind me.

I turn to see a little girl behind me, the same distance away. She seemed about the same age as him. Except she wasn't laughing.

Her hair wasn't a tight curly afro like his, but a looser curl that hung to her shoulders and sat out. Her skin color was lighter than my own. Her eyes dark like mine. She too seemed out of breath.

"I can't catch you mommy. You're running to fast." She cried out frustrated.

My eyes flew open and I took deep breath. We were still in a circle but the chanting stopped. Talia looked to be just waking up as well.

"Was that them? Will they be my sons?" She asks shaking trying to catch her breath.

The circle immediately broke as the women hugged her in excitement.

"Boys?!" Squeals one woman.

"Two sons?" Jewels says.

"The royal family was blessed." Another says.

"This is great news." Versai adds.

"What about you Jothi?" One girl, whose name I don't remember,asks with a frown.

Then all seven pairs of eyes turn on me.

"I-I uhm.." I stammer trying to make sense of it all.

Jewels snorts and Versai nudges her.

"There was a girl and-" before I can finish Ariel cuts me off.

"A girl! How marvelous!" She exclaims.

The girls congratulate me as I try to make sense of it all.


Breaking away from the girls for a chance to clear my head I find myself passing Christopher's office.

The door was slightly ajar and I found myself peeking in.

The smell of alcohol hit my nose and I already knew what he was doing.

"Get out." He growls.

He's lounging on a sofa with a half empty bottle to his lips.

"We've been over this. I don't follow orders from vamps." I reply closing the door.

He sighs heavily. "Aren't you suppose to be at your party? Preparing for our future offspring?" He says cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Ew. Gosh, why you said it like that?" I say leaning against the door.

"Because sadly it's what is happening to us." He finishes his bottle and places it on the desk. "Why do you continue to bother me mundane?"

"Because if I have to be stuck in this hell hole then I might as well make you miserable too." I say matter of factly.

"I think it's because you like me." He chuckles.

I gape at him in shock. "Here you go again saying vile things."

"I'm really not in the mood to play games with you." He says appearing right in front me from across the room.

I hate it when they do that!

"Then why not kick me out?" I shoot back.

He smiles. "I'm curious. What did you see in the circle?"

"Why?" I ask defiantly.

"Curious to wonder will my child be as snarky and rude as you." He walks away to his desk once more.

"I'm not having a kid with you." I say defiantly.

"But did you see one? That means you will you stubborn human girl." He laughs.

"And if I saw nothing?" I turn and open the door to leave.

"Then that would mean you're barren and Ariel would have you sent home." He says as I close the door behind me.

Before I rejoined the girls Ariel pulled me aside.

"The power in that circle was too strong for me to see what you did. I saw everything right before you said it." She said in a hurry looking around.

"You can see what I see?" I ask upset.

She shushes me. "You're my loyal. Of course I can, but listen. Don't tell anyone what you saw. Tell them you and that girl played in the field together." She grips my upper arms rather tightly.

"What? Why?" I ask in confusion. She was rushing and nothing made since.

"That girl was the child you're meant to have with Chris. That boy...I don't know who he was. What ever guy you were seeing at first, forget about it." She releases me and looks around again.

I stand there thinking about the boy. His tight curls and brown eyes and I think of Alec.


"Layla wait!" I call after her as she walks ahead of me.

"I've said it a million times. No." She waves me off.

I grab her wrist and pull her to me. She yanks away.

"I can help you. All of you. We can bring down the hierarchy." I promise.

"I told you before. I work with my pack or alone." Once again she turned her back on me, but I didn't pursue her.

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