chapter 9

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"How great of the both of you to join us." Micheal says as we take our seats at the Oval table. All the people already seated had on dark robes with hoods covering their faces.

We were in a room in the north wing of the castle. It was about the size of my room with only a table and seats in the middle. Three large windows overlooked the front garden.

I shifted uneasily in a room full of vamps. It felt as if they were all staring at me.

They were staring at me.

"She's beautiful I suppose." One man spoke taking off his hood.

My eyes widened in recognition.

What do you taste like beautiful?

He seemed to recognize me as well as he sent a wicked grin in my direction.

"Her medical records seem well enough." Spoke a female voice as she took off her hood.

"Children would be best for the Christmas season don't you think? I've always wanted to spoil my nieces and nephews before leaving this world." Micheal mused.

"Don't talk like that Micheal, your time is not up." A man placed a hand on his shoulder.

Micheal shrugged him off. "Oh don't be that way. I'm the oldest vampire alive! I just want to see everything fall into place within my time here."

"Don't worry Micheal, I'll be sure to give you many nieces and nephews." Chris laughed and I could taste vile at the back of my throat.

I wasn't having babies. Now that I was away from the camp I definitely wasn't sleeping with one.

The moment I got the chance I was going to high tail it out of here. Ariel would just have to fulfill her own regicide. While Chris would have to find some other baby maker.

I shuddered at the idea. By the time I listened to what they were saying they moved on to other matters.

"The compounds are in order. Populations are kept at a cool 150." The woman at the table says as she looks over a pile of papers.

"Damned mutts why not squash them now?" Jameson hissed from across the table.

"Because then that would mean the end of yet another supernatural species." She put matter of factly.


"The fairies caused their own fate with their tricks and schemes." Micheal added half heartedly.

"Having a new queen drink fairy blood for her coronation was a little on the extreme side." Chris muttered as he took a sip.

"They donated one of their own for it! Dumb species the whole lot of them." Jameson laughed and I cringed from it.

Chris took notice and looked to me as if to ask if I was alright. I ignored his gesture.

"Enough of the fairies." The woman waved her hand. "They're gone now. We can only worry about those of us that are left. I believe that wraps this meeting up." She says looking expectedly towards Chris.

"Meeting concluded." He says being the first to stand and leave.

Great full to finally leave I quickly left the room. I could practically feel Jameson staring holes into my retreating back.

"Had fun human?" He asks as we walk side by side.

"No. And stop calling me human." I snap crossing my arms.

"You call me vamp. I thought it was a cute pet name." He bumbed my shoulder and I put more distance between us so he wouldn't touch me again.

"Look, this predicament I'm in isn't exactly one I wanted to be apart of. I don't plan on sleeping with you and I damn sure will not have kids with you." I say sternly facing him as we stop in the hall.

"You really think I agreed to any of this? You actually thought I'd enjoy having sex with you and letting you, some human girl mother my children?" He laughed harder with each question.

"We're both in the same predicament so the best you can do is get over it." He growls as he towers over me.

I stand my ground and struggle to maintain eye contact with him being taller than I.

"The best you can do is not to mess with me." I say evenly.

"Or what?" He asks almost in a whisper.

I open and close my mouth not sure what to say. Chris notices my hesitation and grins. I wanted to smack it off his face.

"It's hard for you to make threats when you're checking me out." His expression remained smug and I could feel my cheeks burning.

I wasn't checking him out.

Next thing I knew my body was pressed firmly to the wall with Chris pinning me there.

I wanted to yell from the sudden turn of events but I didn't.

He tilted my face up towards his and leaned in, his lips almost brushing mine.

"Then why aren't you fighting me now?" He whispers low into my ear.

I gasp when he finally let's me ago and walks away whistling. I stay in the same spot trying to collect myself.


"Chris stopped talking to me." Talia confessed while we sat in the garden eating sandwiches.

"Is that why you're all mopey?" I snorted at something so ridiculous.

Her feelings were genuinely hurt and I immediately stopped.

"I liked him Jothi. Really liked him and now he won't so much as look at me." She messed over her sandwich and decided not to eat it.

"Then he's a loser. My cousin is amazing and if he can't see that then he ain't shit." I say taking a large bite out of mine.

The memory of Chris pinning my body to the wall flooded back to me and I shivered.

"You're right, but Jothi we're bringing kids into this world with this man, shouldn't we have some kind of relationship with him?" She asks.

"My mother brought me into this world with my father. They knew each other one night." I offered her.

She shook her head and her curls bounces as she did so.

"This is....different." She says mostly to herself.

I excuse myself to take a personal tour of the garden. The stone walk way included twists and turns through a plethora of flowers that someone turned into their artwork.

Along the path of of bright yellow lilies was a stone fountain. In the middle was a life sized little girl. Her long hair in loose waves down her back as she laughed at something. Walking around the fountain I noticed Ariel looking at it in admiration until she turns to me.

"This is Elizabeth. Christopher had this built after she died." She sighed as she gazed at the young girl.

A wave of sadness washed over me the closer I got to Ariel.

"Now that you're my loyal, you can feel my emotions. It use to come in handy for knights to know if their lady was in trouble, now it's just stupid." She shrugged.

I felt heartache for the little vampire child and I didn't know why. It was really Ariel who's feelings were distraught.

"And you're doing this for her?" I say.

Ariel's mood changes and I can feel the shift as she straightens up.

"Precisely." She says sternly.

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