Chapter 3

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I had went to chemestry, full of thought. The class was doing a workshop on the periodic table, so I wasn't worried. Mr.Meadows came to me and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Something that happened this morning, but I need to research it to find out more," I said.

"Here is a pass," he exclaimed while writing, "I hope your research goes well," he smiled and gave the pass to me.

'I hpoe so too,' I thought while headding to the library.

I went on the computer and searched about werewolves. This is what it said:

A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature,purposely, by being bitten by another werewolf. This transformation is often associated with the appearance of any given time when summoned.

Werewolves are often attributed superhuman strength and senses, far beyond those of both wolves and men. Shape-shifters, similar to werewolves, are common in tales from all over the world, most notably amongst the Native Americans, though most of them involve animal forms other than wolves.



I was in total shock. How could I be a werewolf? Was it the bite that caused it?

So many questions raced through my head at that time. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me again. I growled under my breath, not knowing who it was.

My other classes were a hassle because I wanted to get out of school quickly. When the bell rang, I ran as fast as a cheetah to the house. Luckly we had woods in the back of the house so I could goof around.

I droped my stuff in my room, and went into the woods. Then, I left my clothes on to see what would happened if I transformed. When I did, I didn't see any ripped clothing so I started running in the woods.The wind felt good against my fur. All of a sudden, I got smashed in the side by something. 'Its not a tree,' I thought, 'Then what happened?'

Apparently, another wolf hit me head on, and clashed into my side. He was grey with broad shoulders and was muscular. The way he looked, he looked like a bear! 'Who are you?' I growled as I was geting up.

'You are my mate, now come with me,' he gestured deeper into the woods.

'Wait, you can talk to me? Never mind that! No never,' then it dawned on me who it was. The man from the alleyway.

I growled at him, warning him to go away before I attacked. He had stood his grown, and didn't flinch. I leaped into the air and knocked him over. Then, I bit his paw, and he yelped. 'Haha,' I thought 'Payback is a bitch isn't it?'

He ran away into the deep part of the woods. I turned back into ha human, and luckly enough, I had my clothes on!

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