Chapter 6

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I was chacing him, determined who this was and my wolf was furoius. 'How dare he come onto our land!' She growled to me.

'We will find out soon,' I told her.

The black wolf started to tire and he made a sharp left turn, and he stopped while hiding under a brush. I had lost him at his turn, but I let my wolf take over using her hunting skills. I was near his hide out, and he smelt familiar. My wolf suddenly realized that it was Alex! 'Alex, I know you are hear,' I dipped my head to see him clearly.

'You know that when you are in your wolf form, you use your wolf's name. Therefore, Alex is not here,' He muttered.

'Oh,' I muttered, 'What is your name?' I asked both my wolf and Alex's.

My wolf said, 'Larentia.'

Alex's wolf said, 'Chinua.'

'So our wolves are supposed to take over when we are in this form?' I asked.

'Mostly but some of you still remain because your wolf might get out of contol,' Chinua explained.

'Ok,' I let Larentia in control, but I was still there listening.

Chinua came out of the brush, and stood nose to nose with us. He pinned his ears showing that he loved us, but I didn't know until Larentia told me. We walked back to our (me and Larentia's) house. When we got to the house, we touched noses saying goodbye, and we (me and Larentia) shifted back into human form. "Goodbye Chinua and Alex," I said and he nodded in response, and left in the opposite direction. 

The next day, I woke up with the crackle of bacon, and i jumped out of bed, changed my clothes and ran down stairs. "Good morning!" Mom cooed.

"Good morning! Mmmm I smell bacon!" I groaned in delight.

"Yes it is," She replied handing me a plate full of them.

I ate them with delight while my mom was making herself some also. "Mom," I called.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What if you had a secret, but you couldn't tell your friend because you were afraid that she would never be your friend again?"

"Well, if you don't tell him/her then they might find out sometime or another, and will not frogive you anyways. If she is truly your friend, she would accept you for who you are."

"Thanks mom," I  hugged her and went to my car.

I looked at my phone to see what time it was, when I found a text:

**Good morning sleeping bueaty! I wanted to let you know that Chinua wants to do that again sometime! :D See you at school. -Alex**

He was so nice yesterday, and I wanted him very bad! The only thing that stood in my way was Luke. When I got to school and parked my car, I saw Alex stand outside waiting for me. I got out of the car and hugged him, he seemed like he enjoyed it because he hugged me passionately. "Hey!" He smiled.

"Hi," I stared, "You know that you will be in 'trouble' when Luke smells you on me."

"He will get over it, after all, you are my mate."

When he said those four words, my legs felt like were going to give out, my heart started to race, and my wolf wanted to come out. Luckly, he was holding me secure, and he smiled at my reaction. "So...... Are we together?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes," He smirked.

"Yay!" I smiled.

We walked into the school holding hands, and people were staring at us like we were aliens. I laughed, and Alex looked at me like something was wrong with me, until he noticed everyone else. He blushed, and I hugged him to let everyone know that he was taken. "What classes do you have?" I asked him.

"I have all classes with you except second peroid," He frowned.

We went into chemestry with Sarina, us sitting in the back in our nomal pattern. Alex to the left of me while Sarina was on the right. I passed Sarina a note:

**Can I tell you something very secretive?**

She answered:

**Ok, shoot**

**D you remember that time when I was in school, and I was acting strange?**

**Yeah, what about it?**

**Well, before school, I was bitten and was turned into a werewolf**

**Cool! I have always wanted a friend who was a werewolf!**

**How did you know about us?**

**I have been reading about werewolves for over a year. What are your and Alex's wolves names?**

**Mine is Larentia and Alex's is Chinua**

**Awesome! :D Well I gtg, class is almost over!**


I gave Alex the note and he smiled pleasantly to the fact that Sarina was good about the news. When the bell rang, we went to go out of the classroom when Luke stopped us. He smelt Alex on me and ge growled very loud. "MINE!" He yelled to him.


They stared at me in disbelief, and Luke glared at me in anger. I drug Alex and Sarina past the parking lot into the woods. "Where are we going? I thought your car was in the parking lot," Sarina informed.

"I know," I said.

I was too angry to have a conversation, too angry to listen, too angry to focous. The only thing I wanted to do was let my wolf go and run into the forest. When we reached to the forest, I changed into my wolf while running and growling throughout the woods. I didn't look back because I knew that Alex wouldn't be far behind.

Alex's P.O.V.

I watched in amazement when my mate transformed into her wolf, and ran with grace through the woods. I signaled Sarina to leave so that way she wouldn't be left all alone. Then I transformed into my wolf, and followed intently behind. 'I want to kill him!' Chinua growled, 'How dare he touch my mate.' 

''Larentia! Wait! I need to talk to you!' I called out.

She kept running and clawing at the air like she saw something that she didn't like on front of her. I wanted her to stop before she hurt herself. Then it happened.

**Sorry I hate cliff hangers also, don't worry! I wanted it to be good for the next chapter! hehe... Anyways, I will have the next chapter up hopefully by Tuesday.**

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